If you are looking for a SAP evaluation in Georgia , go to the Diversion Center. A CDL driver who tests positive on a DOT test or refuses to take a DOT test, must successfully complete the return-to-duty (RTD) process with a DOT qualified substance abuse professional (SAP). Another tool in your arsenal is Reasonable Suspicion Training and making sure your managers are … Join in and write your own page! [§382.605, Question 11] The DOT has left discussions regarding payment to employer policies and to labor-management agreements. Note: The SAP must make a recommendation for some level of care per DOT CFR 49 Part 40 Subpart O. I specialize in both DOT and NonDOT assessments. They all say the same thing. Yes. When a person has a DOT workplace violation, the only person who can perform the required evaluation is a SAP. Alternatively, the "Starter Package" for EUR 1,140 is a cost-effective entry-level version, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. When a person has a DOT workplace violation, the only person who can perform the required evaluation is a SAP. I am a SAP located in Texas and the rate charged for a SAP assessment ranges as follows. my ua sample was short didn't reach level but temp was accurate could not stay had to pick up baby. I failed a drug test. Word of advice. If the motor carrier fails to begin or continue with a driver’s DOT return-to-duty process and follow-up testing, according to safety and compliance consultant J.J. Keller, it … Do NOT LET little OL nice ass Heather Thompson fool your sorry a** into something you will not get. Well problem is you cant complete anything until a company hires you and lets you get the RETURN TO DUTY drug screening. I am a DOT qualified SAP in San Antonio. All hope is not lost. My fee is $350.00. The minimum SAP and follow-up testing program can cost an employer or the driver, depending on the company policy of who pays for the program, to be at least $700 for the first year. The Clearing House is going to change things too. What is a DOT SAP? Why do I have to pay for the DOT SAP Alcohol and Drug Evaluation (Return-to-Duty)? Correctly carrying out the SAP process requires quite a bit of professional time and expertise on the part of the SAP. Come to the initial appointment where you will meet your Clinician and we will begin the process and you will receive your treatment recommendation. Any idea what the SAP program in GA cost? I applied for Concrete Ready Mix to Oilfield to Owner Operators with CRAP BROKEN trucks to OTR. We are here to help you during the COVID-19 Crisis!!! DOT SAP Office. I see employees from as far away as Alice,to Del Rio,to San Angelo,to south Austin and Luling. Iretha Woods, LPC, MAC, CADCII, DOT-SAP,CPCS 2292638218 Fax 2292638219 300 S. Madison Street PO BOX 545 Quitman, GA 31643 US [email protected] Focus7.LLC SAP services will keep everything simple and straightforward explaining the process and answering all questions. You will go do what you need to as far as treatment and compliance which is the DOT SAP Alcohol & Drug Evaluations Appointment ( Initial Evaluation). The cost for a 16 CE qualification course and exam is $290 online. Gonna make it so people can't fly under the radar after a violation as easily as they have in the past. lost job because they said I lied on application. Is there anywhere in Georgia that can help me pay for a SAP I lost my job I have no money to get one. The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a clinician who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and/or alcohol program regulation. You will receive support and encouragement from Speedy Sap! We provide DOT SAP evaluations for $425.00. now im taking a drug test and physical. And where can I go? I do not sugar coat it. We offer DOT evaluations for folks that are unfortunate to have receive a positive urine, or alcohol breath test under the DOT 49 CFR Part 40 guidelines. 20 years of DOT SAP experience. Today it is placed here for you, if you feel that its is helpful. Need to find work very soon any help would be great. But, I know several companies in the San Antonio area that have second chance policies. hope this helps! All Rights Reserved. Reasonable Suspicion Training $89/person. You can use a credit card to pay. Please view site Resources page for additional information on this process and requirements. This prayer is powerful and appropriate for many different circumstances. THAT YOU CANNOT DO! If you need an expedited SAP process, then I am here for you. I am a SAP in the Dallas/Collin County area. Sorry everyone. !even though it take it to get things accomplished. Before you fork up money to any SAP find who will hire you first. I tested positive for cocaine in October of 2014. It seems like a lot of money but after you see the work that is put in you will understand. DOT Alcohol and Drug Testing Regulation Qualification Independent Study Course.. To search for a … *The FMCSA Clearinghouse must be completed for the drivers violation to be resolved. Better to save your money and get a copy of your DAC first. Only way to complete everything and leave it behind you is to find a company that will hire a high risk and possibility of cancelling policy of fleet,,, YEAA not happening,, its the business of trucking. That is your choice! How long is the DOT SAP program? Ask for Derek. I spoke to a sap certified counselor she was charging me $325.00 that was I'm Florida but that will give u an idea.. Good luck!! Hello I recently did the whole process, for making a stupid mistake but now no trucking company will hire me because of failing a drug test. SRS maintains an extensive network of qualified providers in more than 3,000 locations nationwide for testing violations that originate from any of the DOT’s modes including FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, USCG and PHMSA, or a company’s internal drug and alcohol testing … SPEEDY SAP AKA FOOS CARES wishes you much success through the DOT SAP process. Don't shoot the messenger. Some SAPs in this area charge as much as $400.00. A SAP is a professional who has taken specialized training and testing to gain the designation of Substance Abuse Professional (SAP). However I explain it to HR everytime that I completed my SAP program. Further your employer will receive an A/D testing schedule of random UA's. Thanks guys. The Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations require an evaluation by a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) before an employee can return to a safety sensitive job when the employee has tested positive for drugs and/or alcohol. You do not have to go through this process. SPEEDY SAP (S) @ FOOS CARES, LLC. A SAP recommended 10 follow-up tests in the first year, and 5 in the second year. drove a bus and a Truck,was asked to take a drug test for the bus,my part time job but i didnt wont to be late for my truck driving job full time job so i left to go to work.DOT asked me to turn in my license was this far for an honest mistake, Join in and write your own page! The SAP will make a clinical assessment and recommend treatment and/or education based on your individual needs. You might google Substance Abuse Professionals (SAP) in your area, or go to the DOT website and look for them. Per DOT Regulations, Follow-up and Return to Duty testings are observed. Please visit us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, *fmcsa logon and request Christy Foos as your DOT SAP. We try to have people that are in this process to be able to return to duty within a couple of weeks if one qualifies.If you need a fair and professional process then contact me at (509) 452-1000. go to take a physical for a job, paperwork was there for me to do my physical. CAC charges $450 for the SAP services we provide, payable at the first visit. So, my friend, you find yourself here today wondering what you should do next about this DOT SAP Alcohol and Drug Evaluation program (Return-to-Duty)- Should I or Shouldn't I. I have a couple that the employer takes it out of their checks and pays me directly. If I have a work violation, do I have to go through a SAP? then later hired me as a road driver. DOT/SAP evaluations must be conducted face -to -face. DOT SAP PROGRAM AKA SAFETY SENSITIVE POSITION RETURN-TO-DUTY & ADDICTION COUNSELING. How? The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.As a SAP you represent the major decision point (and in some cases the only decision point) an employer may have in choosing whether or not to place a… Please note that the following directory lists people who have successfully obtained the U.S. Department of Transportation's Substance Abuse Professionals (SAP) Qualification through NAADAC's Substance Abuse Professional's U.S. Call now to schedule: 720-295-4852. A lot of the issues discussed here, I believe, would not be an issue if companies would allow a SAP to talk with their truckers and/or other employees. We have offices in San Antonio and Boerne Tx. 3 years down the line I lose a good job due to a reporting by concentra that I have a refusal. It's easy to do. A SAP has considerable liability, since DOT considers the SAP to be ultimately responsible to the traveling public. Simply click here to return to Ask A Trucker. NO ONE WILL TALK TO YOU. now I have a refusal of my license due to a mistake by the disapatcher. DOT SAP Promotes Safety for our Communities!!! if the company still hired me as a dock driver and road driver why do I have a refusal on my record. Are Return to Duty and Follow-Up testing required? 400.00 flat rate which includes all services for the DOT SAP evaluation, referrals for treatment, consultation calls and letters/paperwork and follow up eval. The examination alone can be accessed on-line for $150. The regulations do not address how a SAP should be compensated. I did my SAP with Heather Thompson and let me tell you her car is very nice and her money survives off of us morans that failed the DOT Test. First thing you can do is call the mro and ask him what the nanogram level was. A SAP is a professional who has taken specialized training and testing to gain the designation of Substance Abuse Professional (SAP). There's a really nice lady in Raleigh, NC and Wake Forest, NC that is really reasonable and will work with you to meet your requirements to get back on the road. If your old company did not report it then after you pay a SAP it just did. called dispatch and they faxed over wrong paperwork for pre employeement. I have seen people get sober and stay sober. We have 2 SAPs in our office in Sioux Falls,SD. Call us: 605-322-4069. You can expect beautiful communication, quality, efficiency, thoroughness, respect and dignity, team work and excellent coordination of care!!! Overview The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare. At the end of the DOT-SAP assessment the operator will leave with a recommendation for either drug/alcohol treatment or … As I told you during the process, many companies will not talk to you once you've violated federal law and have a positive or refusal on a UA ... even after going through the return to duty process. On average the cost of a SAP is around $500.00. She should have poured it in front of you. Or, you can choose to shake it off, get up, and move forward. Simply click here to return to. There are some employers that hire for second chances. They are in Marietta, Duluth, and Jonesboro, GA. Flat rate DOT SAP evaluations completed by a state Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor(CAADC). The operator must contact a qualified SAP (call 704-458-9292 or make an appointment online) and go in for a face-to-face substance abuse assessment (cost $250.00). At least by completing the process you might have a chance to get back to work. Yes. National Firms ie ASAP, NSAP, SRS charge $550 to $575 and then subcontract the service to a SAP near the client. You can appeal it with the state DOL. We will begin the DOT SAP process immediately and assist in finding the right treatment for you and complete the Return to Duty (RTD) Follow Up program to get you back to your career. Can take anywhere from 1 week to 90 days. It's really a tricky chemical. Goodluck. You broke federal law and there is federal law that has to be followed in order for you to have a way back to employment in a safety sensitive job. The operator should schedule an appointment (704-807-4366 or by clicking the link below) to complete a face-to-face substance abuse assessment provided by a qualified Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) (cost $250.00). It is not always about the money! What will this cost? When the SAP recommends treatment, your employer and you will be given a written recommendation specifying the approximate duration of treatment and the level of care. She will tell you it will be hard to find a job and let me tell you. If the SAP determines that you didn’t cooperate with the treatment plan, or that you didn’t participate appropriately, the SAP will send a report of non-compliance to your employer, and you will have to continue with the program. I have heard a ton of bad stuff about SAP's. EAPA SAP training prepares SAPs to provide services to organizations that are subject to DOT rules and regulations. Unfortunately I have seen it take up to 90 days with some folks depending on how big you are, percentage of body fat,whether you're smoking or doing Edibles or Dab or CBD oil. DOT SAP AKA Safety Sensitive Positions and Return-to-Duty. The following is the most important information about the Starter Package in terms of SAP … DOT mandates that you be referred to a SAP for an evaluation in resolving problems associated with misuse of alcohol or the use of controlled substances. The Diversion Center provides SAP evaluations for $400. However, you aren't eligible to do any safety-sensitive work until you complete the process. How much does the dot-sap program in Arizona cost. Let me tell you that this is a big deal at this point of your life and you have a serious decision to make. I have also had my dealings with them. This is Mar 10,2019. The requirements for the RTD are found in [49 CFR Part 40, Subpart 0] Anonymous....Sorry to hear you've had such a hard time finding work. the company still hired me as a dock driver in which a ua is not needed. 6. Sometimes slips or relapse is a part of recovery but it does not have to be. SAP Referral Services (SRS) is the leading facilitator for mandated substance abuse evaluations. It is hard to find a job at times. Call me 832-975-0000 if you are in need of completing the Return-to-duty process. Enjoy lief and do it without the drugs. Give me a call I'll be happy to give you their names. If I have a work violation, do I have to go through a SAP? The required information will be placed into the FMCSA Clearinghouse by your DOT Substance Abuse Professional. No idle time will be wasted. CALL ME AFTER YOU COMPLETE EVERYTHING. The time it takes to complete the DOT Return-to-Duty SAP process varies. We understand the disease of addiction. When a slip or relapse happens, Speedy Sap is here to help you through the process with dignity and respect. If you were not compliant -that is what your letter will state to your employer. Again, Treatment Fees are not to be confused with fees for the DOT SAP Process Speedy Sap Fees. You will have to possibly work for them to get your return to duty testing complete. I am a SAP provider in Houston, TX. But what we do next is the important piece here. If you return … It's easy to do. You can sit and wallow in your shame and guilt where you will stay sick. I've been clean since then, can someone direct me to a reliable dot certified sap, in Houston Texas, I'm ready to truck. Keep your head high and keep reaching for what they tell you is impossible. Once the DOT-SAP assessment is completed the operator will receive a recommendation for either drug/alcohol treatment or education. You will thank me for that advice. God (Higher Power) grant me the Serenity to accept the things that I cannot change. Evaluations and follow-up evaluations must be provided face-to-face per regulation; Professional initial and follow-up evaluation of employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation Do the next right thing my friend. The total cost for both is $750. 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