average age 22, lower socio-economic groups (minority), drafted. Start studying Anatomy and Physiology Exam 3: Ch. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (80) The 1960 sit-in at Greensboro, North Carolina: a. sparked similar successful demonstrations throughout the South. Gravity. Terms in this set (25) Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Involved in the American Civil Rights Movement formed by students whose purpose was coordinate a nonviolent attack on segregation and other forms of racism. STUDY. a. included new health care, education, and urban development initiatives with the use of federal funds. In 1965, Congress passed many Great Society measures, including Medicare, civil rights legislation, and federal aid to education. (JFK) , , an international crisis in October 1962, the closest approach to nuclear war at any time between the U.S. and the USSR. Certainly the defeat of the U.S. was the result of the determination of the Vietnamese people to continue fighting. Why did John F. Kennedy consider civil rights a moral crisis for the nation? Spell. he was the president who went on tv and told the public about hte crisis and allowed the leader of the soviet uinon to withdraw their missiles. Why are the riots in American cities during the 1960s best understood as battles? Too much is at stake to “wait and see” whether this is all going in the direction Obama says it is. We were the first mass movement against a war in American history and one of … Northwest Antiwar History: Ch 2 Cracks in the Consensus: World War II by Jessie Kindig. During the period of the 50's and 60's they created a foundation for the "Red Power" movement by building power bases. Write. c) found much evidence of racial harmony despite the upheaval. How did immigration policies change in these years, and what were the consequences for the composition of the population in the United States? Flashcards. d. The practice of true participatory democracy. The Feminine Mystique. The organization marked a shift in policy of the black movement, favoring militant ideals rather than peaceful protest. Following are some suggestions designed to stimulate ideas. Created by. a. d. The civil rights movement had redrawn the political map and opened the South to the Republican Party. They organized an American Indian Historical Society that made a scholarship on Indian life, culture, and history, and the revision of school textbooks. Austin was so angered by the Saudi move, this now-retired officer said, that he considered formally requesting that the Obama administration denounce the intervention. Was a movement that emphasized cultural pride, intertribal unity, and mutual aid. Ch. Places where protests were happening and police brutality was at its worst although protests were peaceful. passed in the wake of Martin Luther King Jr's, Selma to Montgomery March, it authorized federal protection of the right to vote and permitted federal protection of the right to vote and permitted federal enforcement of minority voting rights in individual countries, mostly in the South, The implementation of government and private-sector policies that discriminated against minorities and provided whites with numerous advantages, 1952; renamed himself X to signify the loss of his African heritage; converted to Nation of Islam in jail in the 50s, became Black Muslims' most dynamic street orator and recruiter; his beliefs were the basis of a lot of the Black Power movement built on seperationist and nationalist impulses to achieve true independence and equality. Believed in participatory democracy, free speech, civil rights and racial brotherhood, and opposed the war in Vietnam. Which of the following was NOT true of the Cuban Missile Crisis? e. was a high point in black and white cooperation. The Anti-War Movement was centered on America’s higher-education system, the students, playing leading roles. Who was the "silent majority" supporters of Nixon, pro-war, who felt their way of life was being threatened by anti-war protesters. Anti-war activists work through protest and other grassroots means to pressure politicians … The Vietnam War sparked a mass antiwar movement employing the civil disobedience tactics and grassroots mobilizations of the civil rights struggles. Chicano farm workers found a powerful advocate in: In the 1960s, Latino rights in particular were the focus of the: c. demanded greater tribal self-government. Spell. Supported by both communist China and the Soviet Union, he guided Vietnam through decades long warfare to emerge as a communist nation. In August 1964, North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked two U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin, and President Lyndon B. Johnson ordered the retaliatory bombing of military targets in North Vietnam. An anti-war movement (also antiwar) is a social movement, usually in opposition to a particular nation's decision to start or carry on an armed conflict, unconditional of a maybe-existing just cause.The term anti-war can also refer to pacifism, which is the opposition to all use of military force during conflicts, or to anti-war books, paintings, and other works of art. Flashcards. They also promoted Native American Study programs on college campuses that encouraged political activism in Indian youth. Gravity. The Intertribal Friendship house in Oakland, San Francisco Indian Center, United Bay Area Council of American Indians, and the Intertribal Council of California. Why was liberation theology so popular in Latin America in the 1960s? AMH2020 Ch. PLAY. STUDY. (1) Mexican-American migrant farm worker & founder of the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee in 1963; (2) helped exploited Chicano workers with his successful "boycott grapes" movement that led to better pay, limits on the use of toxic fertilizers, and recognition of farm workers' collective bargaining right. As one administration after another wages war with impunity, culminating with Bush ignoring 10 million antiwar protesters on February 15, 2003, any hope one might have that this movement could bring change has become wishful thinking. other events, which were during his terms was the building of the berlin wall, the space race, and early events of the Vietnamese war. Created by. Write a researched essay in which you analyze or evaluate institutions, trends, and phenomena. b. was seen by Lyndon Johnson as "a fitting memorial" to John F. Kennedy, after his assassination. Spell. 1963 is a United States federal law amending the Fair Labor Standards Act, aimed at abolishing wage disparity based on sex (see Gender pay gap). Republican Barry Goldwater viewed as a threat to freedom: Barry Goldwater's 1964 campaign emphasized: c. a reduction in governmental regulations. d. Both tended to view the entire world through the lens of the Cold War. Why did the African-American civil rights protesters that marched in June 1963 in more than 186 cities NOT try more deliberately to avoid arrest? 1921-2006. Northwest Antiwar History: Ch 4 Vietnam War by Jessie Kindig . b. seemed to accept the feminist view of the family as a collection of sovereign individuals rather than a unit with a single male head. Match. An anti-war movement (also antiwar) is a social movement of people who advocate peace, diplomacy, & adherance to the rule of law in international relations as opposed to the use of military deadly force to start or carry on an armed conflict, typically in order to gain control over coveted resources. ..., A slogan used to reflect solidarity and racial consciousness, used by Malcolm X. 47. president during part of the cold war and especially during the superpower rivalry and the cuban missile crisis. c. Urban blacks saw the predominantly white police force as an occupying army. 5. It meant that equality could not be given, but had to be seized by a powerful, organized Black community. This wall was both a deterrent to individuals trying to escape and a symbol of repression to the free world. Where Is the Antiwar Movement in the US? Learn vocabulary, terms, and … The anti-war movement The women's rights movement The victims' rights movement Correct! Write. d. The very point of the protests was to illustrate the punitive nature of southern Jim Crow justice. d. He found racial discrimination incompatible with the United States' claim for leadership of the free world. As elsewhere in the country, World War II in Seattle involved the mass participation of soldiers, a boom in wartime industry, and public displays of support. In addition to following the antiwar movement, Heaney and Rojas discuss and compare to two other recent mass movements in recent U.S. politics: the … 1968, in which American troops had brutally massacred innocent women and children in the village of My Lai, also led to more opposition to the war. 12. Originally geared toward the intellectual promise of "participatory democracy," SDS emerged at the forefront of the civil rights, antipoverty, and anitwar movements during the 1960s, (LBJ), France tried to keep control of SE Asia, but Vietminh (Ho Chi Minh), North was Vietminh govt, South was anti communist, US helped them with military troops. QUIZ 13 Question 1 Which movement served as an impetus for the prisoner rights movement in the 1960s-1970s? Perhaps the most obvious, and most significant, reason for the absence of a large and persistent antiwar movement is the nature of the enemies the United States has been fighting since the fall of 2001. tags: anti-war, antiwar-movement. National Security Advisor John Bolton said the US is sending an aircraft carrier and a bomber taskforce to the Persian Gulf to be prepared for new threats … The protests at Kent State University d. The Democratic Convention in Chicago 31. The interracial harmony he witnessed among Muslims in Saudi Arabia. b) blamed the urban riots on segregation and poverty. Inadequate sanitation, a horrid sound system, and tainted drugs … Learn. What did the defeat of Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater show? “We waved him off of that,” the officer with whom I spoke at the time said. The Anti-War Movement of the 1960’s. It upheld the right of county officials to oversee black voter registration in cases where provided for by local statute. Test. Identify possible economic policies that may explain these items and/or those which could be used to deal with the problems or situations described. By 1968 Protesters numbered close to seven million and over half of them were Caucasian college students. Write. Why did the United States continue to support South Vietnamese leader Ngo Dinh Diem's corrupt and weak regime? Before you begin, limit your subject as far as possible, come up with a valid thesis, and illustrate your essay with specific examples. b) blamed the urban riots on segregation and poverty. Anti-war activists told them that the war was not being fought to save the Union, but to free Negro slaves. b. began in Berkeley to protest a campus ban on political groups convening and distributing literature at a central meeting place. The Freedom Rides of 1961 traveled through which of the following states? 'Land of Contrasts' was our shorthand for it. The 1960 sit-in at Greensboro, North Carolina: a. sparked similar successful demonstrations throughout the South. What did students of the New Left movement think was missing in American liberalism in the 1960s? The National Organization for Women (NOW) campaigned for all of the following EXCEPT: e. an end to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. d. It is anti-war and criticizes the draft system 30. STUDY. 7 likes. President Johnson called his version of the Democratic reform program the Great Society. was erected in 1961 by the Soviets to stem the rising tide of emigration from East Berlin to West Berlin. PLAY. Which of the following statements is NOT accurate about the 1965 Voting Rights Act? c. was strongly embraced by the Young Americans for Freedom. A federal law that authorized federal action against segregation in public accommodations, public facilities, and employment. a. e. The women's movement brought considerations of power and justice inside the family. The Vietnam antiwar movement, famous for its sound and fury, deserves credit for more. d. The MFDP challenged the state's Democratic Party's claim that it represented Mississippi fairly. . 25. a. created a woman's constitutional right to an abortion. Test. A black political organization that was against peaceful protest and for violence if needed. In 1968, after the Tet offensive, when General Westmoreland asked for 200,000 more troops, t… Test. lolatrifunovic. 25 - The Digestive System (4/6) - Structure of the Wall & Movements of the Tube. Match. This peaceful event was symbolic of the ideas expressed by the Counter Culture Movement. Who was the average GI during the Vietnam era? Relocates from across the nation meet with California Indians to have forums about shared concerns in their environment. American feminist, activist and writer. The Kerner Report: a) blamed the urban riots on the antiwar movement. How did the women's liberation movement inspire a major expansion of the idea of freedom? Spell. In 1966, the Supreme Court ruled in Miranda v. Arizona that: d. those in police custody had certain rights. c. concentrated on equipping the poor with skills and rebuilding their spirit and motivation. Match. On December 6, 1969, an estimated three hundred thousand people converged on the Altamont Motor Speedway in Northern California for a massive free concert headlined by the Rolling Stones and featuring some of the era’s other great rock acts.1 Only four months earlier, Woodstock had shown the world the power of peace and love and American youth. Rachel Carson's Silent Spring inspired the ___________ movement. The National Organization for Women (NOW) campaigned for all of the following EXCEPT: a. an end to the mass media's false image of women. Why did the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) emerge at the Democratic Party convention in Atlantic City in 1964? 7. The Days of Rage demonstrations were a series of violent actions taken over a course of three days in October 1969 in Chicago, organized by the Weatherman faction of the counterculture-era group Students for a Democratic Society.. It is of historical significance because it gave U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson authorization, without a formal declaration of war by Congress, for the use of military force in Southeast Asia. a. Lindbergh criticized the movements that he perceived were leading America into the war and proclaimed that the U.S. was in a position that made it virtually impregnable. All of the following were part of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Chicago Freedom Movement platform EXCEPT: c. insisted that blacks have economic and political autonomy. The civil rights movement Question 2 What was one of the factors that contributed to the prison uprising in Attica, New York in 1971? . d. a militant gay liberation movement was born. The movement played a certain, if small, role in the inability of the U.S. government to gain a victory in Viet Nam. 47. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was a joint resolution of the U.S. Congress passed on August 7, 1964 in direct response to a minor naval engagement known as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. To combat communism, one of John Kennedy's first acts was to: What did President John F. Kennedy have in common with his predecessor Dwight D. Eisenhower? Chapter 25 Section 1 The Cold War BeginsThe Counterculture Section 1 the Beat movement of the 1950s, which rejected materialism the civil rights movement, prompted people to question traditional boundaries the Vietnam antiwar movement, which introduced the idea of social and political protest The counterculture arose from several influences. Describe the anti-war movement. The crisis was part of a dispute between the United States and the Soviet Union after a U.S. Navy vessel carrying nuclear warheads was intercepted off the coast of Turkey. Write. Flashcards. Involved in the American Civil Rights Movement formed by students whose purpose was coordinate a nonviolent attack on segregation and other forms of racism. The teach-ins were primarily peaceful, but effective. morgan-chs. 13 thoughts on “ Chapter 25: The Sixties ” Andy Ruelas. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (52) The sit-in at Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1960: a) reflected mounting frustration at the slow pace of racial change. Together, we evolved a harmless satire of the slightly driveling style employed by the journalists of tourism. c. focused on the discontents of middle-class women. On April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated: a. while in Memphis, supporting a garbage workers' strike. 25. How could Birmingham police chief Eugene Connor have undermined Martin Luther King Jr.'s strategy in Birmingham in May 1963? e. challenged the foundations of Cold War thinking. ch 25 history 111. 25. The year that contained a series of shocks; the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy; Tet Offensive; Prague Spring; Democratic convention riot; urban riots. What event forced John F. Kennedy to take meaningful action in support of the civil rights movement? . . Altamont was supposed to be “Woodstock West.”2 But Altamont was a disorganized disaster. A fortified wall surrounding West Berlin, Germany, built in 1961 to prevent East German citizens from traveling to the West. b. was a movement born of other movements where female activists had experienced discriminatory treatment from their male counterparts. This Made Native Americans want to settle on Alcatraz. d. was inspired by the civil rights movement. Learn. The Hart-Cellar Act of 1965 did all of the following EXCEPT it: c. was forced through Congress in response to increasing numbers of Vietnamese refugees. In 1967, the Supreme Court ruled in Loving v. Virginia that: c. state laws prohibiting interracial marriage were unconstitutional. Ch. Coalition of younger members of the Democratic party and radical student groups. Which of the following organizations does NOT belong in this group? PLAY. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (34) What was the title of the 1963 book by Betty Friedan that took as its theme the emptiness of consumer culture, and painted the suburban home as a "comfortable concentration camp" for women? Its demolition in 1989 symbolized the end of the Cold War. d) offered specific program suggestions to end the violence. In April 1961, a group of Cuban exiles organized and supported by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency landed on the southern coast of Cuba in an effort to overthrow Fidel Castro. (1890-1969) Vietnamese leader who is responsible for ousting first the French, then the United States from his country. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). To register new black voters across the state of Mississippi. STUDY. authorized the president to take "all necessary measures to repel armed attack" in Vietnam. Which of the following statements best describes the legacy of the War on Poverty? The music festival at Altamont c. The Woodstock Festival b. d. He knew the meaning of poverty and racial injustice from his own life experiences. The one major birth of the "Red Power" movement was the burning of one of their power bases. Learn. d. Their family ties to U.S. citizens or other immigrants. increased public discontent at how the government handled the war. He also claimed that the interventionists and the British who called for "the defense of England" really meant "the defeat of Germany." When the U.S. discovered Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuba, President John F. Kennedy demanded their removal and announced a naval blockade of the island; the Soviet leader Khrushchev acceded to the U.S. demands a week later, on condition that US doesn't invade Cuba. e. emphasized the role women played in the anti-war movement. Best known for starting the "Second Wave" of feminism through the writing of her book "The Feminine Mystique". Start studying The Antiwar Movement Emerges. Dave DeCamp Posted on May 11, 2019. Influenced by the Vietnam War, it started under JFK and was intended to show american good intentions in foreign countries through humanitarian efforts. a. By 1968, the number of U.S. troops in Vietnam: c. exceeded half a million as the war became more brutal. b. equal job opportunities for women. How did the Kent State University shootings help the anti-war movement? amberlynn099. And by the time U.S. planes began regular bombings of North Vietnam in February 1965, some critics had begun to question the government’s assertion that it was fighting a democratic war to liberate the South Vietnamese people from Com… Regarding civil rights during his presidency, John F. Kennedy: c. was reluctant to address the movement's demands until 1963. March 21, 2016 at 4:00 am 3. b. One such opponent is the United States "antiwar movement." PLAY. The early movement was also spurred by networks of student protest already formed during the Berkeley Free Speech Movement in 1964 and the founding of Students for a Democratic … What set President Lyndon Baines Johnson apart from his predecessor, John F. Kennedy? Certain, if small, role in the inability of the black movement, favoring militant ideals than. Support South Vietnamese leader who is responsible for ousting first the French, then the United States continue to South. U.S. citizens or other immigrants and employment its demolition in 1989 symbolized the end of the Cold War deserves... Segregation and poverty a voter registration drive in Mississippi cases where provided for local... Could NOT be given, but had to be “ Woodstock West. ” 2 but Altamont a... And poverty and employment following States militant ideals rather than peaceful protest and for if. A coalition of younger members of the world and NOT common cause with the people of following... 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