You will be subject to the destination website's privacy policy when you follow the link. The war was a time of worry and heartache for people around the world, but life went on in spite of the senseless, tragic conflict that consumed the lives of so many loved ones, destroyed homes and livelihoods, and scattered families around the globe. Fortunately for all, the 1940s was a decade of inventions of all kinds. The 1940s saw an increase in activism and opportunities: the black press spoke out about unfair and unjust treatment, while nonprofit organizations and social groups worked to further social reforms. Fluorescent antibody test is developed for rabies and field trials demonstrate 100 percent accuracy. Timelineicon. Americans had great pride in their work and country. October 13: One month after surrendering to Allied forces, the government of Italy under Pietro Badoglio joined the Allies and declared war on Germany. The Second World War dominated the 1940s and no city was more susceptible to its effects than London. Your banner or text ad can fill the space above. Historical Events in the 1940s Timeline created by amiraandsydney. It was refueled in the air four times. July 1: Nuclear testing began in the Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands, the first of 23 detonations by the United States between 1946 and 1958. A ceremony in Niamey, the Republic of Niger, is held to celebrate the 100 millionth smallpox vaccination given in Africa, CDC investigates an unidentified, highly infectious respiratory disease in Pontiac, Michigan (later identified as, Responds to its first major initiative in famine relief within Nigeria during the Biafran war, assisting local health officials in conducting nutrition and disease assessments, NCDC (National Communicable Disease Center) becomes a bureau within the U. S. Public Health Service, A tuberculosis surveillance system begins within the United States, Communicable Disease Center is renamed National Communicable Disease Center (NCDC) and the title of Chief of the Center is changed to CDC Director, CDC announces a national measles eradication campaign at the American Public Health Association meeting, The International Malaria Eradication Program is turned over to CDC from the Agency for International Development (AID), Global Smallpox eradication effort launched, New surveillance systems added to the original National Surveillance Program of 1952 include measles, shigellosis, tetanus, and trichinosis, A four-week smallpox campaign launches in Anapa, Brazil to demonstrate and evaluate the jet injector equipment in field operations under a variety of conditions, The special Interagency Committee on Back Contamination (ICBC) is created to determine how to protect Earth from moon contamination, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) approaches CDC for help to ensure that germs from Earth do not get transported into space, CDC holds first meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (, Hospital Infections Unit is established as part of epidemiology program, First jet injector studies with smallpox vaccine are conducted in the country of Tonga, First Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health, All state health departments, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Department of Agriculture join CDC in establishing the, The Audiovisual Training Branch changes its name to National Medical Audiovisual Facility, establishing it as the central audiovisual facility for the U. S. Public Health Service (renamed National Medical Audiovisual Center and administratively transferred to the National Library of Medicine in 1967). The 1950s were the first full decade after the end of World War II and is remembered as a prosperous time of recovery from the Great Depression of the 1930s and the war years of the 1940s. 1940s. Some inventions were brand new, while others were invented years earlier but were brought to use in the 1940s. Take a minute to review many of CDC’s momentous contributions to public health since it was organized in 1946 as the Communicable Disease Center. American businesses sold goods such as steel to European countries. The trends, designers, dresses, shoes, hairstyles, makeup and stories from the WW2 era and post war Paris. Bob Hope was also a huge star in the 1940s, frequently entertaining the troops overseas. People born in the early 1940s were already in their late 20’s when the hippie movement got into full swing, but some may have been beatniks, the predecessor to the late 60’s hippie. Let’s travel back to the 1940s. April 15: Jackie Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers, becoming the first African-American baseball player in the Major Leagues. 1944. 1940 Hitler invades Norway, Denmark (April 9), the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg (May 10), and France (May 12). June 22–December 5: Operation Barbarossa, an Axis invasion of the Soviet Union, took place. This program alone resulted in … Based on that data, the Environmental Protection Agency implements policies that decrease the amount of lead in gas by half from 1976 – 1980, subsequently dropping levels of lead in blood by 37%, and Congress is persuaded to phase out leaded gas permanently, CDC establishes the vessel sanitation program in cooperation with the cruise ship industry, WHO Collaboration Center for leptospirosis is established, Begins to assist in visa and entry screening, immunization, and follow up of the health of Vietnamese refugees to the United States, First EIS assistance for injury (homicide in Georgia), CDC establishes Bureau of Health Education, developing health curriculum for schools, Through the Study of the Efficacy of Nosocomial Infection Control (, CDC documents the first nationwide outbreak of Reye syndrome, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (, CDC begins regularly responding to public health crises abroad by providing famine assistance in sub-Saharan Africa, CDC recommends discontinuation of routine immunization and vaccination requirements for, Investigations into lead exposure associated with an ore smelter in El Paso, Texas, increases the scientific understanding of the effects of, The National Communicable Disease Center (NCDC) is renamed Center for Disease Control (CDC), The National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance system is established to monitor infections acquired in hospital settings, CDC opens its first biological containment lab to protect scientists while they work with deadly and infectious pathogens, Inter-Regional Seminar on Smallpox Eradication is held in Lagos, Nigeria to discuss the progress of the Smallpox Eradication Program. Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, and the war dominated Europe from that moment until the Nazis surrendered. By far the biggest event for Americans in 1941 was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, a day that would indeed, as FDR said, live in infamy. August 21: Russian Revolution leader Leon Trotsky was assassinated in Mexico City. Timetoast's free timeline maker lets you create timelines online. Jan 7 Winter War: The Finish 9th Division defeats the Soviet forces on the Raate-Suomussalmi road despite being significantly outnumbered Jan 8 Britain's 1st WW II rationing (bacon, butter & sugar) 1940 • Penicillin was used to help cure diseases. In the anticommunist furor of post-World War II America, many crusaders targeted the media as a site of subversive infiltration. Concise Illustrated History of 1940s Fashion and Style for Women. What happened in 1940 Major News Stories include Germany and Italy gain control of most of Western Europe, Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister and inspires British People With speaches including "We Shall Fight Them On The Beaches, Dunkirk evacuation of British Troops, Battle of Britain begins, Germany starts it's Blitz on London, Race Riots in Chicago, Harlem, Los Angeles and Detroit, Popular … In History. Definition and 8 Points, The US and Great Britain's Special Relationship, World War II Europe: Fighting in North Africa, Sicily, and Italy, B.A., History, University of California at Davis. June 14, 1940 - On the same day Paris fell to the German army and Auschwitz received its first Polish prisoners, the Naval Expansion Act is signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, increasing the capacity of the U.S. Navy by 11%. All CDC Museum tours are canceled until further notice. November 5: President Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to an unprecedented third term. Let’s travel back to the 1940s. Period: Sep 1, 1939 to Dec 30, 1945. May 7: Germany signed the first legal German Institution of Surrender in Reims, although the final document was signed on May 9. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania annexed by USSR. Thus, white northerners viewed African-Americans as unfamiliar at best and often, as undesirable. Standard New Jersey light trap is modified to create the, CDC investigates the first recorded epidemic of inhalation, CDC participates in a cooperative program to develop accurate, standard cholesterol measurement procedures. February 15: ENIAC, the first electronic, general purpose digital computer, was announced to the public by the U.S. Army. Fortunately for all, the 1940s was a decade of inventions of all kinds. April 19: German troops and police entered the Warsaw Ghetto to deport its surviving inhabitants. It serves to contextualize the growth and evolution of VIU. Click here to Sponsor the page and how to reserve your ad. War World II The nations were organized into two opposing military alliances, Allies and the Axis. March 3: Forrest Mars, Sr. obtained a patent for the candy to be known as M&M's and based on British-made Smarties. The world was headed toward rearmament and warfare in the early to mid-1940s, and the movie industry, like every other aspect of life, responded to the national war effort by making movies, producing many war-time favorites, and having stars (and film industry employees) enlist or report for duty. May 14: After years of experimentation and investment, stockings made of nylon rather than silk hit the market because silk was needed for the war effort. June: U.S. Secretary of State George Marshall gave a paper at Harvard in which he spoke of an urgent need to help Europe rebuild and later that year, the Marshall Plan doing just that took effect. CDC twenty four seven. March 5: Winston Churchill gave his "Iron Curtain" speech, condemning Soviet Union policies in Europe. CDC begins a five-year study on what role flies have in the spread and transmission of poliomyelitis. February 4–11: The leaders of the United States (President Franklin Roosevelt), the United Kingdom (Prime Minister Winston Churchill) and the Soviet Union (premier Josef Stalin) met to decide the post-war fate of Germany and Europe, at the Yalta Conference. Establishes laboratory Consultation and Development Section to upgrade laboratory performance and promote increased standardization. Naturally, World War II had a lot to do with many of the inventions, which then found uses in daily life after the war. By the 1940s it appears that a general discontent with their conditions was becoming evident among the rural population. October 1: After the Chinese Communist Revolution, part of the Chinese Civil War, leader and party chairman Mao Zedong proclaimed the creation of the People's Republic of China. Subcategories This category has the following 10 subcategories, out of 10 total. April 12: Despite headlines saying "Dewey Defeats Truman," Harry Truman was elected president. It was one of the basic documents underlying the modern United Nations. Research 1940s clothing styles, trends & history with our year-by-year timeline & 50+ pictures. The 1940s Business and the Economy: OverviewAt the end of the 1930s, the American economy was still struggling with unemployment, militant labor unions, and a lack of demand for goods. January 17: Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, who saved tens of thousands of Jews in Nazi-occupied Hungary, disappeared in Budapest after being called to Soviet military commander Rodion Malinovsky's headquarters in Debrecen. //APUSH Vanshaj Johar Sushant Vema Kevin Xu Bilal Godil Mohammad Rahhal Justin Lee. Christmas Movies in the 1940s. The 1940s Technology. [28 The 2nd meeting of the 1st People's Political Council was held in Chongqing.15 At the end of the war … U.S. trades 50 destroyers for leases on British bases in Western Hemisphere. 5 Jan Leslie Hore-Belisha, Britain’s Minister of War, is dismissed. 1940 April 1, 1940 - The 1940 census indicates a United States population of 132,164,569. To receive email updates about this page, enter your email address: COVID-19: CDC Museum Closed to the Public, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 1940 or late 1939, the Nazis began "Operation T4," the first mass killings of Germans and Austrians with disabilities, most by large-scale poison gas operations. July 13: The first printed T-shirt worn in a photograph appeared on the cover of Life magazine, a man brandishing an Air Corps Gunnery School logo. 1940 Hitler invades Norway, Denmark (April 9), the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg (May 10), and France (May 12). Source: The Canadian Encyclopedia Online May 1940Nanaimo's Civic Arena officially opened 1940Canadian-American biochemist Martin Kamen discovered carbon-14, an isotope of carbon later used to date archaeological September 12: The entrance to Lascaux Cave, containing Stone Age paintings dated to 15,000–17,000 years old, was discovered by three French teenagers. Churchill becomes Britain's prime minister. Orson Welles directed the groundbreaking film, Citizen Kane, in 1941. U.S. Timeline - The 1940s. September 29–30: In the Babi Yar Massacre, Nazis killed over 33,000 Jews from Kiev in a ravine in Ukraine; the killing would continue for months and involve at least 100,000 people. Those born after the 40s tend to assume that life must have been seen in black-and-white then because most photographs from that time don’t show any color. //APUSH Vanshaj Johar Sushant Vema Kevin Xu Bilal Godil Mohammad Rahhal Justin Lee. August 15: Emperor Hirohito announces the surrender of Japan, formally signed on September 2. Historical Events in the 1940s Timeline created by amiraandsydney. The drinking age was still 18, so young adults could drink as soon as they could vote. March 9–10: Operation Meetinghouse, in which the U.S. Army Air forces bombed the city of Tokyo, was conducted, only the first of firebombing raids against the city that would continue until the end of the war. President Franklin Roosevelt is elected to a fourth term. April 12: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt died at his Warm Springs, Georgia estate. October 29: The Reynolds pen, an early ballpoint, went on sale in the U.S. July 8: French resistance leader Jean Pierre Moulin is said to have died on a train near Metz and headed to Germany after being tortured by the Nazis. July 5: Bikini swimsuits made their debut on a Paris beach but quickly spread to beaches everywhere. President Harry S. Truman ordered the building of the hydrogen bomb, on June 25th, the Korean War … Those born after the 40s tend to assume that life must have been seen in black-and-white then because most photographs from that time don’t show any color. Naturally, World War II had a lot to do with many of the inventions, which then found uses in daily life after the war. The first year of the 1940s was filled with war-related news. Their vaccine uses fertilized chicken eggs in a method that is still used to produce most flu vaccines today. In 1938, the March of Dimes was founded to fund the effort to find a vaccine. This decade, commonly called "the war years," is synonymous with World War II. April 30: Adolf Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide by cyanide and pistol, in an underground bunker under his headquarters in Berlin. Choose a decade to start, scroll down to read more. As a result, CDC establishes the, Inactivated polio vaccine licensed; “Cutter incident” investigated, CDC gains worldwide recognition for the quality and quantity of its contributions to the taxonomy of the Enterobacteriaceae, a family of germs that are difficult to treat because of their resistance to antibiotics, National Rabies Control Activities Unit is established, providing a coordinated program for all aspects of the disease, The Communicable Disease Center National Surveillance Program is developed to maintain constant vigilance over communicable diseases to respond immediately when an outbreak occurs, Twenty EIS officers collaborate in the National Program for the Evaluation of, The U.S. Public Health Service becomes part of the newly-created Cabinet-level Department of Health, Education and Welfare after the Federal Security Agency is dissolved, First EIS investigations on environmental exposure (trichloroethylene and occupational exposure (anthrax), The Epidemic Intelligence Service participates in 205 outbreaks; most common are infectious hepatitis, poliomyelitis, histoplasmosis, gastroenteritis, encephalitis, typhoid fever, leptospirosis and influenza, Reorganization of CDC reduces the number of branches into five well-defined spheres of activity: Epidemiology, Training, Technology, Laboratory, and Administrative, A team of CDC physicians, engineers, and entomologists is sent to Southeast Asia to assist in developing, CDC begins to withdraw from active participation in the operational phases of the National Malaria Eradication Program and discontinues the Malaria Control Residual Spray Program, shifting interest to surveillance, supporting training programs, consultation and research studies with the states, A committee on air-borne disease studies is established, with emphasis on sampling techniques and devices adaptable to biological warfare defense, CDC’s Reference Diagnostic Service Center becomes available to all public health laboratories. There were several technological advances in recording and playback, however. The first year of the 1940s was filled with war-related news. In 1942, World War II continued to dominate the news. 1940s News Headlines To great fanfare, Winston Churchill becomes the leader of Great Britain in 1940. July 4: The post-Holocaust outbreak of violence known as the Kielce Pogrom in Poland was conducted by Polish soldiers, police officers and civilians who killed between 38 and 42 people. Music lovers were treated with far … The 1940s Technology. It derived most directly from the rhythm and blues music of the 1940s, which itself developed from earlier blues, boogie woogie, jazz and swing music, and was also influenced by gospel, country and western, and traditional folk music. The first half of the 1940s was absorbed with World War II. Before 1940 Oct.1938 21 Japanese troops occupied Guangzhou. CDC offers disaster aid in response to multiple chemical explosions in Texas City, Texas. U.S. trades 50 destroyers for leases on British bases in Western Hemisphere. There were several technological advances in recording and playback, however. December 26: Las Vegas began its transformation into the gambling capital of the U.S. with the opening of the Flamingo Hotel. Despite the horrific bloodshed, the operation failed. CDC is not responsible for Section 508 compliance (accessibility) on other federal or private website. Concise Illustrated History of 1940s Fashion and Style for Women. January 30: The philosopher and leader of India Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by an advocate of Hindu nationalism. World War II ended in Europe and the Pacific in 1945, and those two events dominated this year. The 1940s saw an increase in activism and opportunities: the black press spoke out about unfair and unjust treatment, while nonprofit organizations and social groups worked to further social reforms. CDC is transferred from the State Relations Division and established as a field station under the immediate direction of the Chief of the Bureau of State Services of the U.S. Public Health Service. The 1940s Government, Politics, and Law: Overview. July 10–October 31: The Battle of Britain raged with Nazi bombings of military bases and London, known as the Blitz. The 1940s were a tumultuous decade for the whole world. Hollywood blacklist, list of media workers ineligible for employment because of alleged communist or subversive ties, generated by Hollywood studios in the late 1940s and ’50s. Music lovers were treated with far … Timeline 1940s. The rate of emigration, especially for single women, remained high during the 1930s and 1940s, with England the main destination. In the 1940s Nebraska has a string of losing seasons that doesn't end until 1950. The world was headed toward rearmament and warfare in the early to mid-1940s, and the movie industry, like every other aspect of life, responded to the national war effort by making movies, producing many war-time favorites, and having stars (and film industry employees) enlist or report for duty. These get replayed every December, and it's fun to watch the old favorites once again with such stars as Jimmy Stewart, Bing Crosby, Fred Astair, and Ginger Rogers. June 8: George Orwell's landmark "Nineteen Eighty-Four" was published. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania annexed by USSR. Japanese American internment, the forced relocation by the U.S. government of thousands of Japanese Americans to detention camps during World War II. 1940s. CDC quickly sets up an influenza surveillance unit, a joint operation of the Epidemiology and Laboratory Branches. In 1940 or late 1939, the Nazis began "Operation T4," the first mass killings of Germans and Austrians with disabilities, most by large-scale poison gas operations. But as Europe collapsed into conflict in 1939, the United States began to escape the effects of the Great Depression (1930–39). Trotsky assassinated in Mexico (Aug. 20). Introduction 1.1940s Fashion Trends 2.WW2 Fashion – … This program alone resulted in the murder of an estimated 275,000 persons by war's end. The following story has been submitted by The British Schools Museum, Hitchin, on behalf of Mrs Hillyard and with her permission. December 11: UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, was founded in New York City. In 1940, African-Americans made up just 4 percent of Brooklyn’s total population. Please continue to check our website and social media accounts for additional updates. This decision is being made out of an abundance of caution and based upon the guidance of the CDC regarding social distancing and the elimination of large gatherings. May 14: Jewish politician and diplomat David Ben-Gurion announced the establishment of the State of Israel, and U.S. President Harry S. Truman quickly recognized the new nation. 1944. March: British astronomer Fred Hoyle, appearing on a BBC radio program, described the current theory of how the universe began as "one big bang at a particular time in the remote past," making the notion accessible to the public imagination and even though he didn't at the time accept it. The Timeline highlights significant developments in the history of financial regulation against U.S. and world events. • The first synthetic rubber tires were manufactured. May: The Katyn Forest massacre of 22,000 Polish military officers and intelligentsia was conducted in Russia by the Soviet Union. With World War II over, the news lightened up considerably in 1946. Virginia, along with the rest of the country, looked a lot different than it does today. The decade opened with the Battle of Britain and the Blitz of 1940-41, during which time Londoners experienced aerial bombing whose severe consequences were felt throughout the city. November 20: The Nuremberg trials began, military tribunals prosecuting prominent members of the leadership of Nazi Germany for their crimes in World War II. June 13: The first V-1 flying bomb attack was carried out on the city of London, one of two Vergeltungswaffen (retaliatory weapons) used in the campaign against Britain in 1944 and 1945. The decade opened with the Battle of Britain and the Blitz of 1940-41, during which time Londoners experienced aerial bombing whose severe consequences were felt throughout the city. Later, in the 1940s, polio patients were treated with exercise in warm pools, a method discovered by the Australian nurse Sister Kenney. November: The first prototype of what would become the Jeep, the Willys Quad, was delivered to the U.S. Army. October 31: In South Dakota, Mount Rushmore, a sculpture of 60-foot-high faces of four U.S. presidents, was completed after 14 years under the direction of Gutzon Borglum. The archive is a collection of over 160,000 photographs taken during a ten year period that began during the depths of the Depression and ended with the United States' victory in World War II. [27 Japanese troops occupied Wuhan. Make educational timelines or create a timeline for your company website. 1949. From this research the Cholesterol Standardization Program is developed, Asian flu pandemic emerges in Hong Kong with millions of cases and thousands of deaths. Like other schools, Nebraska fields some rag-tag teams during the war years. July 6: Anne Frank and her family went into hiding from the Nazis in an attic apartment behind her father's pectin-trading business in Amsterdam. Virginia, along with the rest of the country, looked a lot different than it does today. July 20: German military officers led by Claus von Stauffenberg led Operation Valkyrie, a plot to kill German chancellor Adolf Hitler inside his Wolf's Lair field headquarters, but failed. Sometime in 1947, the first of the Dead Sea Scrolls, a collection of ancient Hebrew and Aramaic documents stored in caves on the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea, were discovered. June 3, 1940 - The United States government approves a sale of surplus war material to Great Britain. May 24: The British battle-cruiser HMS Hood was sunk by the Bismarck during the Battle of Denmark Strait; the Royal Navy sunk the Bismarck three days later. May: The Germans opened the Auschwitz concentration camp, where at least 1.1 million people would be killed. July 11: Jewish refugees from France attempting to reach Palestine aboard the Exodus were forcibly turned back by the British. The first half of the 1940s was absorbed with World War II. The fight against fascism during World War II brought into focus the contradictions between America’s ideals of democracy and its treatment of racial minorities. February 19: President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed an Executive Order commanding the relocation of Japanese Americans families from their homes and businesses to internment camps. Living in the 1940s. July 22: The militant right-wing Zionist organization known as the Irgun bombed the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91 people. It derived most directly from the rhythm and blues music of the 1940s, which itself developed from earlier blues, boogie woogie, jazz and swing music, and was also influenced by gospel, country and western, and traditional folk music. This decade left an indelible mark on all but the youngest of Americans that lasted for the rest of their lives. Like other schools, Nebraska fields some rag-tag teams during the war years. President Franklin Roosevelt is elected to a fourth term. Timeline. 1940s: Thomas Francis, Jr., MD and Jonas Salk, MD serve as lead researchers at the University of Michigan to develop the first inactivated flu vaccine with support from the U.S. Army. The Jews refused to surrender, and the Germans ordered the burning of the ghetto, which lasted until May 16 and killed an estimated 13,000 people. Practicing physicians who have hard-to-identify specimens submit through their health departments The decisive win by the U.S. is considered a turning point in the Pacific theater. What Happened in 1940 History. Trotsky assassinated in Mexico (Aug. 20). Germany invades Denmark, Norway, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands during World War II. A fully illustrated history of 1940s fashion and style for women, from 1940 to 1949. Swing became popular in this decade. October 14: World War II fighter pilot Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier for the first time, flying in a a Bell X-1 experimental aircraft. June 6, 1944 was momentous: D-Day, when the Allies landed in Normandy on the way to liberate Europe from the Nazis.. The United States emerged as a world leader during the 1940s. While officially sanctioned or not, as a rule, African-Americans did not enjoy the … Rock and roll emerged as a defined musical style in the United States in the early to mid-1950s. Family group, possibly West Kerry December 20: The landmark holiday movie "It's a Wonderful Life" had its premiere; it opened to mixed reviews. After the Nationalist Party in South Africa won a majority of seats in the parliament, they established "practical apartheid" in the country, a white supremacist strategy that would last another four decades. 1940 was a leap year starting on Monday of the Gregorian calendar, the 1940th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 940th year of the 2nd millennium, the 40th year of the 20th century, and the 1st year of the 1940s decade. 7th January » Winter War: The Finnish 9th Division Battle of Raate Road named stops and completely destroys the overwhelming Soviet forces on the Raate-Suomussalmi road. World War II. Tom "Train Wreck" Novak earns 1949 All-America honors on a team with a 4-5 record. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website. It was the most widespread war in history, with more than 100 million military personnel mobilised. Linking to a non-federal website does not constitute an endorsement by CDC or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website. The drinking age was still 18, so young adults could drink as soon as they could vote. Timelineicon. Tom "Train Wreck" Novak earns 1949 All-America honors on a team with a 4-5 record. The United States was drawn into World War II with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941 and was then involved in both the European and Pacific theaters until peace came in May 1945 in Europe and August of that year in the Pacific. October 8: Inventor Percy Spencer filed the first of what would be 150 patents for the Microwave oven, to be made available to the public as the Radarange. Of emigration, especially for single Women, remained high during the War … //APUSH Vanshaj Sushant. Designers, dresses, shoes, hairstyles, makeup and stories from the great Depression 1930–39! 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