The main difference in the usage relates to, Let’s start by saying that the Italian interrogatives, And, there isn’t a specific rule defining when using the interrogatives, My perception is that in Northern Italian, While in the South of Italian, people tend to use c, Another way to say WHAT in Italian is to use the interrogative. The reason the last letter changes is to agree with the number and gender of the thing it's talking about. Che cosa? 1. qual è il tuo gruppo sanguigno? EUdict (European dictionary) is a collection of online dictionaries for the languages spoken mostly in Europe. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. more_vert. Quale or quali is also always used with a noun or the verb to be and corresponds to the use of “Which?” in English. È lo Spirito che ci rivela quale norma è assoluta e quale transitoria, quale universale e quale particolare, quale deve essere ancora osservata e quale dovrà essere abbandonata. (cosa) which ⧫ that. Paolo, tra cui ho prestato gli appunti, non è più tornato a scuola. Italian-Norwegian translation of del quale Translation of the word del quale from italian to norwegian, with synonyms, antonyms, verb conjugation, pronunciation, anagrams, examples of use. Questa donna stava per morire quando Gesù gli fu apparso e, mostrandole il cielo, le disse che ella morrebbe quando avesse finito di dipingere il suo Viso tale quale lo vedeva in quello momento. ": What a mess! Questo a tutti coloro i quali fossero interessati... the hotel where we stayed o which we stayed at, painters like o such as Raphael and Leonardo, non mi sembra una persona troppo per la quale, it was everything a dinner party should be, Translation Italian - English Collins Dictionary, 'quale' found in translations in English-Italian dictionary, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), Italian Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All Italian-English translations from our dictionary. (interrogative adverb) how, as, like Explikez quale vu facis ol. qual è il tuo indirizzo? what is your blood type? Translation for 'quale' in the free Italian-English dictionary and many other English translations. La località da cui passeremo le vacanze estive è Hammamet. L'avvocato cui esci stasera è mio cugino di secondo grado.. 6. There are only three forms to Quale which are: Quale - Singular. (Translation of … Cosa? ; e contributive; curare l'osservanza degli adempimenti fiscali cui la Società e tenuta anche quale Sostituto d'imposta, con facoltà, tra l’altro, di sottoscrivere, ai fini di tali adempimenti, dichiarazioni. In these cases, it translates the English Which one? and Quale? 2. ). The recipe of our liquor has been passed on from many generations and originates from our great Nonna. as conjunction. (soggetto) (persona) who. In the first sentence, "what" is equivalent to "the things that" and in Italian should be translated with a relative pronoun: "quello che" and not "che cosa".In the second sentence "running" is an adjective modifying "him" and in Italian should not be translated with a gerund, but needs to be translated with a relative clause "che correva". Ep.6 – La sindrome del viaggiatore (o sindrome di Stendhal) – INTERMEDIO. An interrogative adjective is a question word such as which, what or how much that is used when asking about a noun, for example : Which colour? and Quale? Qual - used before è. What generally translates into: Che? We, from QualItalia, created the tastiest Limoncello of the Netherlands.We produce the only authetic limoncello liqueur with lemon peels that remain in the bottle! La località da cui passeremo le vacanze estive è Hammamet. Look up the Italian to German translation of quale in the PONS online dictionary. Quali - Plural. L'È TÀL E QUÀL A SÖ PÀRI, è tale e quale a suo padre. you are presented with two or more choices. More: Italian to Italian translation of quale QUÀL, sing. 1. qual è la sua destinazione? which one. Another way to say WHAT in Italian is to use the interrogative QUALE? Italian French; quale: comme: quale: lequel: quale: quel: quale: quelle: quale: tel: al quale: auquel: per quale ragione: pourquoi: per quale scopo: à quoi: Translations: 1 – 8 / 8. Required fields are marked *. or che cosa? quale grande translation in Italian - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'qualche',qua',qualcheduno',qualità', examples, definition, conjugation (con preposizioni) l’albergo al quale ci siamo fermati the hotel where we stayed or which we stayed at. QUALE is also used when you are presented with two or more choices. ), la quale (feminine sing. Italian. a (soggetto, persona) who , (cosa) which, that. Il vino bianco o quello rosso? quali, che. Quali - Plural. The recipe of our liquor has been passed on from many generations and originates from our great Nonna. How to say WHAT in Italian? Use che or quali with plural nouns. WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN “CHE?”, “COSA?”, AND “CHE COSA?” How to say WHAT in Italian? Explain how you did it. quale (interrogative adverb) how, as, like Explikez quale vu facis ol. In these cases, it translates the English. What generally translates into: Che? Quale definition is - a property (such as redness) considered apart from things having the property : universal. Italian has (7) choices for "that and those" and the method for choosing which one to use is as follows: (click on Quell', Quello, Quel, Quella, Quegli, Quei or Quelle for brief pronunciation examples) For singular nouns (that) Quell' - Use this for all singular nouns starting with a vowel. Qual è il tuo (name a thing) preferito/a? ), i quali (masculine plur. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. which [adjective, pronoun] used in questions etc when asking someone to point out, state etc one or more persons, things etc from a particular known group. Learn how your comment data is processed. Quale means ‘which’ (or sometimes ‘what’). Quale definition: an essential property or quality | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Translation for: 'quale' in Italian->Polish dictionary. LANGUAGE MENTORING SESSIONS (HOW TO LEARN A LANGUAGE), Ep.4- La più piccola regione di Italia – La Vda. Dictionary source: Italiano - Genovese. Our lemons come exclusively from our own orchard in Vico Equense, a beautiful area on the Sorrento Peninsula.. – What/Which Italian cities have you visited? Prepositions such as a, di, con, and per always precede the interrogative chi (who). Translation for: 'quale' in Italian->Polish dictionary. Quale? Una buona dose di pazienza, ben poco prezzo per tali risultati! ©2020 Reverso-Softissimo. The most common ways of asking questions in Italian using ‘question words’. che, quali, cui, il quale, i quali, la quale. what is the specialty of the house? With Reverso you can find the Italian translation, definition or synonym for quale and thousands of other words. È lo Spirito che ci rivela quale norma è assoluta e quale transitoria, quale universale e quale particolare, quale deve essere ancora osservata e quale dovrà essere abbandonata. We, from QualItalia, created the tastiest Limoncello of the Netherlands.We produce the only authetic limoncello liqueur with lemon peels that remain in the bottle! or Which ones? is preferred over cosa? QUÀI DI VÖST , quali dei vostri. Le classi che insegno sono direi numerose.. 3. Dictionary source: Vocabolario ItaIiano Valduggese. The clause introduced by the pronoun is subordinate and is dependent on the main clause. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs. Let’s start by saying that the Italian interrogatives Che, Cosa or, Che cosa are used with verbs (actions). qual è il tuo indirizzo? Le macchine che produce la Ferrari costano molto. Either pronoun could be replaced by ‘il/la quale’ or ‘i/le quali’. L'avvocato cui esci stasera è mio cugino di secondo grado.. 6. Le macchine le quali produce la Ferrari costano molto. Le macchine che produce la Ferrari costano molto. All rights reserved. ... Quanto and quale can function as adjectives or pronouns. Your Recent Searches . Back to Italian lesson on: relative pronouns ‘che’ … open_in_new Link to source ; warning Request revision ; The price is patience, which is a small price to pay for such great results! When to use quale instead of che, cosa, che cosa? In Italian, as in English, interrogatives appear at the beginning of the question and are critical for building communication skills. It is the Spirit that reveals us which norm is absolute and which transitory, which universal and which particular, which must still be observed and which must be abandoned. For example: La ragazza che abbiamo visto è mia amica. As adjectives, questo has the forms you would expect for a four-ending adjective; quello, rather, has more forms that depend not only on the noun’s gender and number, but also on the letter with which it begins.Its forms are identical to that of bello.. As adjectives, questo and quello always go before the noun that they modify. and Quale? Question words are placed at the beginning of the sentence they introduce. a tutti coloro i quali fossero interessati... to whom it may concern ... suo padre, il quale è avvocato his father, who is a lawyer. In Italian there are two kinds of relative pronouns: invariable relative pronouns, such as che, cui, and chi: these never change; variable relative pronouns, such as il quale, la quale etc: they must be used more carefully, because they change according to the other elements in a … qual è il tuo numero di telefono: what is your phone number: qual è la specialità della casa? what is the specialty of the house? QUÀI, pl. WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN “CHE?”, “COSA?”, AND “CHE COSA?” Either pronoun could be replaced by ‘il/la quale’ or ‘i/le quali’. Typing in Italian on an English Computer/Keyboard May 31, 2013. The reason the last letter changes is to agree with the number and gender of the thing it's talking about. Look up the Italian to English translation of quale in the PONS online dictionary. 1. More: Italian to Italian translation of quale QUÀL, sing. Cosa? qual è la sua destinazione? My perception is that in Northern Italian che? QUÀI, pl. TÀL E QUÀL, tale e quale. Ep.5 – Perché esistono i Trulli in Puglia? Example; Vuoi la macchina? The previous form is preferred if you want to communicate well and use Italian correctly. ": What a mess! what is your destination? what is your destination? And, there isn’t a specific rule defining when using the interrogatives che, cosa or, che cosa. Quale? It is used either as an adjective or as a pronoun, and therefore agrees with the noun it refers to: quale, ‘which (one)’, quali, ‘which (ones)’. quale grande translation in Italian - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'qualche',qua',qualcheduno',qualità', examples, definition, conjugation As Adjectives. 1. You can complete the translation of quale given by the Italian-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Juripole, Sapere, Dizionario-italiano, Freelang, Wordreference, Oxford, Collins dictionaries... Italian-English dictionary : translate Italian words into English with online dictionaries. Translations in context of "il quale" in Italian-English from Reverso Context: per il quale, durante il quale, secondo il quale, entro il quale, il quale si del quale in … Translation for 'quale' in the free Italian-English dictionary and many other English translations. Italian Quale il costo? This section is part vocabulary lesson and part a consideration of the syntax of questions (word order, agreement with adjectives, etc.). There are only three forms to Quale which are: Quale - Singular. qual è il tuo numero di telefono: what is your phone number: qual è la specialità della casa? Quale or quali is used when asking for information about people or things belonging to the same category (e.g., colors, cities, languages…). In spoken Italian, the interrogatives quale or quali are often replaced by CHE: This form belongs strictly to spoken and colloquial Italian. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Rendere e sottoscrivere dichiarazioni e denunce previste dalle norme fiscali, tributarie. La Ricetta del Panettone - The Panettone Recipe Dec 23, 2008. adjective, pronoun. Did you see how the last letter of quanto changed in those examples?. The relative pronouns in Italian are chi , che , cui, and il quale. ), le quali (feminine plur. Did you see how the last letter of quanto changed in those examples?. che, mentre, poiché, quando, secondo. Our lemons come exclusively from our own orchard in Vico Equense, a beautiful area on the Sorrento Peninsula.. Example; Vuoi la macchina? L'È TÀL E QUÀL A SÖ PÀRI, è tale e quale a suo padre. See Also in Italian. They are interchangeable. Quel ragazzo cui vedi lì è mio figlio, ne sono così fiera!. Le macchine le quali produce la Ferrari costano molto. QUÀI DI VÖST , quali dei vostri. See Also in Italian. In Italian there are two kinds of relative pronouns: invariable relative pronouns , such as che , cui , and chi : these never change variable relative pronouns , such as il quale , la quale etc: they must be used more carefully, because they change according to the other elements in a sentence. 4. Interrogative adjectives - Easy Learning Grammar Italian What is an interrogative adjective? Italian relative pronouns— pronomi relativi —are called as such because, in addition to substituting for the noun, they connect (or relate) two clauses. Explain how you did it. Your email address will not be published. Quel ragazzo cui vedi lì è mio figlio, ne sono così fiera!. Read on to learn how these important pronouns are used in this Romance language. adjective, pronoun which [adjective, pronoun] used in questions etc when asking someone to point out, state etc one or more persons, things etc from a particular known group (Translation of quale from the … The use of quale rather than che usually implies that there is a choice, as for … Back to Italian lesson on: relative pronouns ‘che’ … In Italian, a question never ends with a preposition. Il quale. / Quali? what adjective. In Italian the interrogative adjectives are che, quale and quanto. Dictionary source: Vocabolario ItaIiano Valduggese. Your email address will not be published. This type of relative pronoun is variabile (changeable), and is always preceded by the definite article, which indicates the gender and the number of the pronoun: il quale (masculine sing. Questi sono argomenti che preferisco non parlare.. 5. che and quale are used to ask which or what: Use che or quale with singular nouns. b (con preposizioni) l'albergo al quale ci siamo fermati the hotel where we stayed o which we stayed at. The Italian question word QUALE is also used when asking for specific information. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Nov 27, 2008. Quale (Italian for which) like it's English equivalent implies a choice. In the first sentence, "what" is equivalent to "the things that" and in Italian should be translated with a relative pronoun: "quello che" and not "che cosa".In the second sentence "running" is an adjective modifying "him" and in Italian should not be translated with a gerund, but needs to be translated with a relative clause "che correva". This is actually a very simple lesson. Quale definition: an essential property or quality | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples e qualsivoglia atto o certificato. The main difference in the usage relates to CHE (or COSA, or, CHE COSA?) Look up the Italian to English translation of quale in the PONS online dictionary. Italian term or phrase: anche quale Sostituto d'imposta 9. Paolo, tra cui ho prestato gli appunti, non è più tornato a scuola. Quale. Qual - used before è. Traduzioni aggiuntive: Italiano: Inglese: quale agg aggettivo: Descrive o specifica un sostantivo: "Una persona fidata" - "Con un cacciavite piccolo" - "Questioni controverse" (frasi esclamative: che) what adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs. / Quali? 2. Questi sono argomenti che preferisco non parlare.. 5. 4. Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Mar 13, 2009. TÀL E QUÀL, tale e quale. Le classi che insegno sono direi numerose.. 3. Red or white wine? a tutti coloro i quali fossero interessati... to whom it may concern ... suo padre, il quale è avvocato his father, who is a lawyer. Quale preferisci? quale. The main difference in the usage relates to CHE (or COSA, or, CHE COSA?) what is your blood type? Traduzioni aggiuntive: Italiano: Inglese: quale agg aggettivo: Descrive o specifica un sostantivo: "Una persona fidata" - "Con un cacciavite piccolo" - "Questioni controverse" (frasi esclamative: che) what adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house. Quale. Che cosa? How to Write a Formal Letter in Italian Apr 11, 2014. La ragazza la quale abbiamo visto è mia amica. Dictionary source: Italiano - Genovese. While in the South of Italian, people tend to use che? – Which one do you prefer? 2. This is actually a very simple lesson. La ragazza la quale abbiamo visto è mia amica. It is the Spirit that reveals us which norm is absolute and which transitory, which universal and which particular, which must still be observed and which must be abandoned. The main difference in the usage relates to CHE (or COSA, or, CHE COSA?) Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. For example: La ragazza che abbiamo visto è mia amica. Quale (Italian for which) like it's English equivalent implies a choice. qual è il tuo gruppo sanguigno? Language pairs it 's talking about ragazza la quale abbiamo visto è mia amica the Good the.: quale - Singular Good, the interrogatives quale or quali are often replaced by che: this belongs! Sindrome di Stendhal ) – INTERMEDIO ‘ which ’ ( or cosa, or, che cosa... Ends with a preposition interrogatives quale or quali are often replaced by ‘ quale... 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