1.2. bereits feststehende Pläne für die Zukunft. More Exercises: Cloze (Escribir en el espacio): Present Continuous Activities Cloze. Present simple/present continuous worksheets Teaching Kids who Canñññt Read? ; They are laughing at the dog. Simple present and present progressive exercises affirmative, negative, interrogative. (Peter liest jetzt gerade ein Buch.) (Most ESL texts and picture dictionaries have at least some suitable pictur… Students roleplay telephone conversations where one person is trying over and over to get through to the same other person, with the receptionist who answers giving a different reason each time why that person isn’t available. To form the present continuous, one uses the appropriate conjugation of 'to be' from the present simple and puts … Some great ideas here. Personally, I’m a bit too embarrassed to have actual singing in adult and teenage classes, so the job then is to find alternative things to do before, during and after listening to the song. You’ll need to be strict about use of this form so that they don’t just use prepositions of position. It can also refer to an action that is happening frequently. Technology-based Present Continuous classroom activities, 29. Amazing activities….actually serves the idea of learning by doing…..thanks!!!!! It’s obviously usually easier to find differences than similarities in such real pictures. Which ones? I feel, instead of I am feeling. Students fill in the gaps in some sentence stems on a worksheet to make true and made-up complaints about their neighbours, classmates, cousins, etc., e.g. Put in the full stop or question mark where required? Copyright © 2002 - 2020 UsingEnglish.com Ltd. They will also probably need a few on a worksheet to choose from before they start making up their own accusations. families if they throw a one). Present Continuous tense activities with no or minimal resources. This activity uses a photoset to illustrate the difference in use between present simple and present continuous. More artistic teachers might be able to make their own Present Continuous Picture Similarities and Differences Worksheets. We can take advantage of this by giving a list of such taboo Present Continuous questions mixed up with similarly taboo Present Simple questions like “How often do you shave your armpits?” If we sprinkle in a few more typical and harmless questions such as “What time do you usually get up?”, we can ask students to rank the questions from 5 points (taboo) to 1 point (easy to answer), then decide on which ranking of question they want to be asked. apr 15, 2015 - students can practice the present continuous tense with mickey mouse - esl worksheets This is more interesting if it is a topic that is linked to cultural differences, e.g. 6. Students ask the teacher to pause the video every time they think they can make a sentence using both present tenses that compares the action on the screen with their own habits, e.g. They're waiting for me to get off the phone! Show example. “You’re having a bath”, “You’re having breakfast” and “You’re having a good time” for “having”. They should naturally use the Present Continuous to describe what is happening at the moment they are writing (e.g. We use the present continuous (am/is/are + -ing) to talk about temporary things which have begun but haven't finished. The present progressive tense is also used to indicate future plans or actions that are going to take place in the near future. I’m watching a film now. Working alone or in pairs, the students complete the questions on the worksheet in the present simple or present continuous using … Present Simple and Continuous taboo topics. users, with no obligation to buy) - and receive a level assessment! Think of your favorite celebrity. Long and Short Forms. The aim is to practice the Present Continuous tense and it's structure for statements, questions and negative sentences. Make the negative with ‘don’t’ or ‘doesn’t’. In these worksheets, students complete sentences with the present tense and present continuous tense. Students could also work in mixed-sex groups so that they can get one point for each of “I’m swimming”, “We’re swimming”, “He’s swimming”, etc. One of the people in the group or someone in the audience shouts “Stop” when something bad happens, the people acting freeze, and their teammate or someone from the audience says what bad thing is happening which shouldn’t be, and why it shouldn’t be done. (to look) We the checkpoint. Students guess what is happening from what they can hear. We usually use the present continuous when the activity has been arranged. Everything you need to help a child learn to read through phonics: decodable stories, listening exercises, you name it. They have to describe what is happening to put them back into order without showing them to each other, e.g. Cambridge English: Key is a basic-level qualification. You can add cultural training to these activities by having gestures that vary by country, e.g. Then have students mime various activities to their partners and ask that. the classroom. Technology-based activities for Present Simple and Continuous . The present continuous tense (also known as the present progressive tense) is used to talk about actions that are happening now or are unfinished. In normal communication, Present Continuous is perhaps more useful to talk about future arrangements such as meetings, dates and appointments, but this is so different from the basic meaning that there will be another article on that future use. Give or dictate a list of numbers associated with each letter of the alphabet, e.g. Do you need help? The main emphasis in the present perfect continuous is on expressing how long the current activity has been happening. Many books also have photocopiable version of this, usually with each pair of students having the same picture with five or ten small variations, similar to a children’s spot the difference puzzle but again with students doing it without looking at each other’s pictures. Livelier classes might prefer to race to do the mime that the teacher chooses, with one point for the first correct mime. Remember, it's really important to know the verb forms inside out, so you can make the tenses without thinking. “Someone is running”) as quickly as possible. Passengers – a personalised listening activity. Teach the present continuous tense (present progressive tense) with these present continuous worksheets. My brother is playing football with his friends tonight. Students research data like time zones and populations of countries to make statements like “Two billion people are sleeping right now” and “Over one million people are suffering from malaria”. Be careful! table manners. If anyone makes a mistake or pauses for too long, they start again with a serve with a new verb. Are you reading any interesting books these days? Present Progressive Test with Evaluation, Level 1. to the park. I am doing an oral examination on Present Simple vs. Whenever the person with the “gun” feels confident of being able to shoot the right person (without hitting any innocent bystanders and obviously without being able to look), they aim and make a shooting noise. Thanks for these ideas! Students describe what is happening now from memory, i.e. If you have a question about the English language and would like to ask one of our many English teachers and language experts, please click the button below to let us know: Summary: Interactive games for speaking practice of am/ is/ are + ing. Here are millions of stars are twinkling and a few flakes of perfect snow are falling slowly from the sky”. There are many well-known and fun activities for the Present Continuous, such as ones involving miming and ones using pictures of crowded street scenes. Which ones? You can also make this into a bluffing game by students answering all questions and the questioners guessing which answers are made up, perhaps after asking for more details like “Why is he/ she doing that?” and “How do you know?” Especially with this variation, students can also answer questions about their partners’ neighbours, friends, local postal worker, boss, teacher in other classes, etc. (During the demo, write it on the board). The students mime single actions from that process one by one, with their classmates trying to guess both the actions and the larger process, e.g. Present Continuous drawing race Students race to draw a picture of a Present Continuous sentence they hear or read, e.g. This present simple vs. present continuous activity helps elementary students practice forming and answering questions in the present simple and present continuous tense. Here are some examples of present continuous sentences using am/are/is and the present participle: I am typing on my computer. Although this is less satisfying than a single picture, the same thing works with twelve or so ClipArt pictures of actions on the worksheets, with four or five of them being at least slightly different. Are you having a party for your birthday? In the most dramatic version of this game, one person is blindfolded and given something such as a pencil to pretend is a gun. Give students a list of words and ask them to choose one and describe it with just sentences using the Present Simple and Preset Continuous. An ESL classroom game to practice the present progressive / present continuous tense. Present continuous brainstorming Students compete to say or write as many things that are going on in the classroom, out the window or in a picture (e.g. 7. Students search social media for what famous people are doing right now, with points for actions which are probably still happening when they announce them to the class, plus maybe bonus points for interesting information. Itñññs Easy with Kiz Phonics We offer carefully designed phonics worksheets, games, videos and flash cards you will find on our site. Many worksheets online just get students putting –ing forms or be + ing into gaps, but unless they still have problems with subject + be or contractions it is difficult to imagine that they learn much from such an activity. Students try to ask questions about their partners’ families etc. Students can guess the person from Present Continuous hints like “He’s working now”, “He’s probably sitting in front of a computer” and “He’s almost certainly wearing a tie”. Possible questions include “Are you doing this now?”, “Is anyone in this class doing this now?”, “Are many people in this city doing this now?”, “Do you do this every day?” and “Do you do this more than twice a week?”. Each person fills in the first line of a postcard, e.g. Includes helpful articles, a glossary, quizzes, and a large language reference. They are often happening now, at this moment. For example, students work together to draw 20 or so people in a park and label each person with what they are doing. “Two men are dancing on a table”. Jun 5, 2019 - Present Continuous or Progressive Tense in English. You can also do this game with only one person looking and the other people guessing what is happening outside the window etc., with the person who is looking giving points for any sentences which are both factually and grammatically correct. Present Continuous Verb Guessing and Present Continuous Spelling Code Game above can also be done with worksheets, as can Present Continuous Time Zones Guessing Game with a worksheet giving the time zones of different countries. This can still be done as a guessing game, or students can get one point for each action they can both say and do. Present Continuous tense activities with no or minimal resources, 1. Students get one point for each sentence that the class accept is true and no one else thought of. John Merlyn. The River Nile (flow) into the Mediterranean. completing “I am writing to you from…” with “… the best holiday resort ever” or “… the hills of Tuscany”. Ss have to check the information on the chart, correct the mistakes an... 2,993 Downloads . Present Simple and Continuous personalised video viewing game. This page is an ESL lesson plan to teach the present continuous tense to beginner students. 23. “A = 23”, “B = 16”, etc. Present simple or present continuous photoset. Guessing and doing mimes can be made more challenging and fun by the mimes being made with just hands (e.g. “He is playing the guitar and I sometimes play the guitar”. that the person answering doesn’t know the answer to, e.g. Some nice suggestions, but you forgot that stative verbs cannot be used in the present continuous tense, e.g. Check my answers: Email my answers to my teacher . FIND OUT ABOUT CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: KEY. “snore” and “itchy”. One person walks around the room and the other members of the class describe what they are doing, using a Present Continuous sentence each time such as “He’s walking in front of the whiteboard” and “He’s standing behind the teacher”. Video activities for Present Continuous. However, by far the easiest and clearest way of showing the … What are you doing this year to improve yourself? Present progressive : worksheets, lessons, printable exercises pdf, handouts, grammar notes. Audience: Teachers Present continuous worksheets… Download free grammar worksheets, games and activities to use in the classroom. Hurry up! More Exercises: Cloze (Escribir en el espacio): Present Continuous Activities Cloze. The simplest use of Present Continuous is to talk about things that are in some way in progress now/ presently/ currently/ at the moment, which is the main focus of this article. You can also get the students to describe and guess different kinds of people from what they are (probably) doing now and their routines, e.g. More Exercises: Listen to the same verbs as infinitives: Activities Pictures List. “I would have loved to, but…” for politely rejecting invitations or “Thanks for having me” when you leave someone’s house. Present Continuous Positive and Negative - Exercise 1. Click to see lesson details, materials and supplies. doing the actions. “You are calling a waiter” or “You are telling someone that it’s a secret”. Facebook; Twitter; How difficult was this activity? There are many well-known and fun activities for the Present Continuous, such as ones involving miming and ones using pictures of crowded street scenes. Present Continuous drawing competitions. Students test each other on the present dress and actions and routines of their classmates with questions like “What is George wearing on his feet?” and “Does Ronaldo often wear glasses?” Students will need to have their eyes closed when they are being tested, and they might need to check some of the answers with the person who the question is about. Present continuous tense adds energy to the verb and conveys that the action is happening at that moment. One student thinks of a verb and the other person asks questions like “Am I doing this now?”, “Are you doing this now?”, “How many people in the world are doing this now?”, “Are most people in Brazil doing this now?” etc until they guess which action is being thought of. This can be producing what the teacher or a classmate says (e.g. It is also referred to as the present progressive tense. Think of your favorite celebrity. You can easily make discussion questions with the Present Simple and Present Continuous, e.g. The teacher the door. This is also possible with pictures where the action is ambiguous due to the lack of information in them, with things becoming as the teacher gives hints, a video slowly progresses or they race to read the explanation in texts on the pictures. “You take a shower every morning” or “You sometimes take a shower but you usually take a bath”). If you have access to videoing technology, groups of students could also make similar videos for the whole class to do those activities with. Photocopiables for classroom practice of Present Continuous. You might want to allow use of bilingual dictionaries to boost the level of language used. Give each group of three or four a set of sentence cards, which they shuffle and place face down in a pile on the desk. They can also search for a picture and sentence that no one else can find, or search for a picture and sentence that no one has said yet. For the present simple, add ‘s’ or ‘es’ for he/she/it. BusyTeacher.org’s 184 present simple and present continuous tense worksheets approach these tenses in a wide variety of ways. This is also possible without technology by hiding a card and revealing it bit by bit from behind another card. What do you think your best friend is doing right now? fashion magazines, picture dictionaries or visual encyclopaedias. Present Simple and Continuous personalised video viewing game. The same thing can easily be done with the teacher doing the actions, or with students filming their plays on video cameras. Present Continuous instructional play. The present continuous, also called the present progressive, is a tense used to talk about things that are happening right now, created using the verb "to be" and a present participle (an action verb ending in "ing"). “putting”), a Present Continuous phrase (“I’m wearing”, “He is sitting”, etc.) So many good ideas to try out! My brother is playing football with his friends tonight. Comprehension activities such as describing what is happening in the photos in magazines or practicing with dialogue will help students solidify their understanding of the present continuous. ), or how many people are doing it (“How many people are jumping?” “Seven people are jumping” etc.). Present continuous exercises. See more ideas about present continuous tense, tenses, this or that questions. We use the present continuous to talk about: activities at the moment of speaking: I'm just leaving work. They get one point for each positive answer from their partner, as long as no one has already used that question. However, by far the easiest and clearest way of showing the meanings and uses of the Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses is to contrast them. The activities below start with ones with no or minimal resources, move onto ones that need worksheets, and finish with various uses of technology to practise this tense. Share this activity. Students will need to find out when the information was put online so that other people can judge whether it is probably still true or not, or you can ask them to update any old figures according to their own ideas of the probable trends. What projects are you working on this week? Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. This use is often contrasted with Present Simple for present routines/ habits/ repeated actions. grammar, spelling and punctuation, through to language teaching, The present continuous tense adds energy to writing and helps the reader keep pace with what is happening. The partners guess, then take their turns at miming. Alternatively, they could roll a dice to decide which tense they should use in their questions (e.g. Grammar: Present continuous (progressive) tense; present, continuous,, present, progressive More information Present Continuous worksheet - Free ESL printable worksheets made by teachers links to online dictionaries. 2. Worksheet that highlights three rules of adding ING to verbs including dropping the E and doubling the consonant. They’re laughing at the dog. Divide the students into two groups (A and B) and give each student a corresponding worksheet. Members get accompanying flashcards, worksheets, song and classroom reader. The world's premier independent network for TEFL teachersEngland • since 1998, 15 fun activities for Present Simple/Present Continuous, The world's premier independent network for TEFL teachers, https://www.englishclub.com/esl-forums/viewtopic.php?t=75485. Please be quiet. They're waiting for me to get off the phone! I watch cartoons every day. Worksheet 8: Practising 3 Rules for Adding ING to Verbs. day. The pictures can be drawn, cut from magazines, or found online. Hidden sentences Present Continuous (11 worksheets) by . She’s feeling much better today, thanks. “Where is John sitting?” and “What colour shoes is Jeremy wearing?” Alternatively, they can brainstorm everything that they can remember without questions to prompt them. If you know how to make the tenses really well, you can concentrate only on choosing when to use them, which is more difficult. The children are sleeping. Present Continuous. The videos and photos can also be made by students if you have the equipment. 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