Baling hay that shows a moisture content of over 14% can be a recipe for disaster and is not recommended. If possible you drop the hay in a full width swath, right out of the mower conditioner. It should also be dust free. Good cannabis is green, with flecks of orange or purple. If the hay it still moist, you have two options: You can use a tedder to turn over hay and to help it dry faster. It is dry and smellls okay. It's moldy, rotting or poorly cultivated. Look for a clean forage with little to no dust. What To Do With The Old Stuff This could very well start a fire. Another helpful test is to take a handful of hay and wring it tightly - if there is the least bit of soggytude there then it's not quite ready - it should be totally crisp. Runny nose and nasal congestion 2. A good lawyer should always communicate what’s going on with your case, whether it’s about next steps or whose working on it. Hay with less than 500,000 cfu/g of mold is considered good quality. save hide report. Hay stored at 195° F or hotter can create a dangerous situation. Bad Hay: Bad Hay will change the horse's appearance and condition in. Smell. The sooner you expose the most hay to the direct rays of the sun the better your drying. If the hay is not dry enough, those microscopic life forms can cause major problems. I am not against eating the cost of the hay and buying new if the hay has gone bad. This prevents you from consuming rotten alfalfa that can make you sick. University of Minnesota Equine Extension Program Posted on July 15, 2019August 13, 2019 by Aly McClure. © Copyright 2020 The nutrition of the hay will be diminished to some extent which will make it a poorer product though these bales are still very suitable for cattle and pig feeding. As the plants mature the stems increase in thickness and the lower leaves are shed. Sorry for the late reply! The highest quality hay is cut in late bud to early bloom when plants have the most leaves. The leafiness of the plant is also affected by the handling process and weather conditions during harvest. Spontaneous combustion is possible. Non-Injurious – If eaten are not harmful to animals. The same goes for the texture and color of the meat. Buying hay can be difficult, but it really is worth it to be particular because poor hay can cause all types of problems. Don't feel too bad about it. Following are bad signs if present in a can. Quite often they tell you, but you might mistake it for bad or odd behavior. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Be sure you’re giving them the best you can, so they can go through these harsh months with the power of substance! Most people can start to detect mold around 500,000 cfu/g. Then you are using the conditioning … Paying attention to the color can save you from a world of a headache. 2. Step 3: Feel the Meat. Do this test with the hay at the bottom of your windrow. Hay may be nutritionally deficient. Some people are actually quite incapable of a real friendship, and they don't know how to do anything else besides use people. I just got back to be able to take a pic. Once dried, it will maintain a green appearance. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Is it visually appealing? If you suspect that one of your friends fits this description, take a look at the signs below as well as strategies for confronting the wrong-doer. A horse that cannot chew properly is also prone to choke and impaction colic. They can be injurious or non-injurious. The ballast itself continues to operate even with a bad lamp and will over work itself continually trying to ignite a bad lamp. If the hay you are purchasing falls within these guidelines you can be sure the product you’re buying is of good quality. ... it will not be able to extract all the nutrition it needs out of fibrous fodder such as grass or hay. Meat drying is a process of preservation, meaning meat can last much longer before it does bad. A bleached, yellow, brown or black color may indicate aged hay, mold or poor storage conditions. When the bales got wet, the mold produces/grows, and the heat slowly rise and get hotter. I’ve had hay like that, bunnies seemed fine with it. Here are 11 things you should look for to make sure you’re smoking good quality weed. By learning how to visually determine the quality of your hay that you are purchasing or producing, you are actively doing your part to feed animals well. The water pours out the open stomata in the leaves. Another concern in hay stored at higher-than-desired moisture levels is the growth of mold in the wet hay during storage. Though alfalfa is moist, bad alfalfa may have excessive water. Hay that is good will smell grassy, slightly dusty, and sometimes sweet. The leafiness of the hay plant is where the nutrients reside. Hay fever specifically affects the nose, but the name is a bit misleading: It doesn’t cause a fever and you don’t need to be exposed to hay to feel the effects. Below is a list of the different stages and what to look for in your bales to determine the maturity at harvest. And if you do find your boyfriend in the wrong here, … You can wait a bit longer to let it dry. Discolored pork chops also indicate spoilt pork. The more leaves, the better, since the leaves are where most of the nutrition in the hay is stored. Brown hay indicates either a problem in the baling process, such as being rained on, or age. Brown cannabis, however, means its bad and could contain mold, pesticides or other funky stuff. If your hay fever is very bad, you might feel quite run down and even have difficulty sleeping. Bad alfalfa in the container shows signs of rotting that include browning or yellowing in the leaves or shoots, as well as unpleasant and foul odors. Swollen, blue-colored skin under the eyes (allergic shiners) 7. Your hay should have a greenish texture with a sweet-smelling aroma. Bad weed.Reddit 4. I got this pic. A high leaf to stem ratio aids digestion in horses, and the length of the pieces of hay are also important for promoting salivary flow and maintaining gut function. Bad weed.Reddit 4. Horse hay should be bright green and smell slightly sweet. It looks like wheat? Muted senses is also a tell-tale sign of hay fever. To know if lettuce has gone bad, the first thing you notice is that its leaves will lose its vibrant coloring and turn brown, gray or black.Different varieties of lettuce have distinct colors. Community pharmacist Thorrun Govind recommends that you treat symptoms promptly. Fatigue Hay That Gets Wet Hay that gets wet on the field may be dried and baled and many farmers do this. Discolorations caused by the environmental impact can tell you a lot about what has happened during the lifespan of the hay you a purchasing. If you notice that the pork has turned green, brown, or grayish, it means that the pork has gone bad. A thing to remember while assessing the quality of hay is when it has been cured and baled it is possible that leaves have fallen into the middle of the bale itself and may not be as visible on the outer layers. Shop. Many microorganisms (mainly fungi species like Aspergillus and Fusarium, bacteria, and others) are ever present in hay (Figure 1). Sneezing 4. The kidneys are excited to extraordinary activity. If you got something like oat, barley, or wheat hay, that may be golden-brown. Learn how to tell whether your Microsoft software and hardware are genuine. A month ago I bought a yellowish dry and dusty hay from a seller and its quite fine for bedding over the litter or around the hutch. It is important that animals are fed hay free of FM because they could injure them or cause illness. As for the color of fresh pork, it should be pink or whitish. These things matter, and you should never accept a load if it doesn’t meet your personal preferences. Likewise, if you detect an off odor, however slight, the rice has gone bad. If there are foreign materials found it is very important to determine their potential to cause harm to the animals. If the egg floats, there’s a good chance it’s bad… Depends what sort of brown it is. There are four stages in the life maturity of an alfalfa hay plant, and while it is more difficult to determine the stage once it has been cut and cured, it is still possible. If your hay fever is very bad, you might feel quite run down and even have difficulty sleeping. Cells break down, molecules oxidize. The color of the hay will not be as green, and may be quite brown. Dusty, moldy hay can be bad for your horse's lungs. But good straw is better than unwholesome hay for all kinds of horses. Foreign Matter (FM) in hay is considered anything found in the bale that is not hay. There are lots of tools to help you ascertain the … Acrid or musty smells generally indicate the presence of mold. It's not bad but tends to be devoid of nutrients. In the dark the Stoma close and do not open again. Hay Color Good quality hay should be bright green in color with little fading. Please note we are a *pet rabbit* community that discourages breeding and encourages rescue. Some hays are not suitable for horses and can cause colic. "Hay fever can make you feel really awful, and there is no cure - but there are things you can do to help yourself," she says. Watery, itchy, red eyes (allergic conjunctivitis) 3. Loose stools may be a cause for concern if the diarrhea lasts longer than two weeks or when it is in conjunction with bleeding, weight loss … They feed on available carbohydrates on the surface of the forage plants and inside the stems and leaves. Bad teeth can contribute to weight loss. Spontaneous combustion is possible. If the ground or air is damp, your hay will not be baleable. To tell if dried meat has gone bad, you should handle it and smell it. It is no longer green, but I have read that hay that has turned yellow is still safe, it's just mold you have to worry about. Notify the fire department that you have some very hot hay and work with them for recommendations for further action. A grass crop intended for this can be cut slightly earlier than for hay and can be made anytime from early June right through to September. Foreign Matter (FM) in hay is considered anything found in the bale that is not hay. Bad quality weed can actually do you harm, as it might contain pesticides. Signs of Botulism in Cans: Don’t even begin to taste any foods from containers that show any of the following signs of botulism. A bad smell is one good indicator. 195°F or hotter. The most affordable way to maintain an HID Lighting System is to divide your operating hours per year into the lamp life and determine the length of time before completely re-lamping the system will be required. Hay free of FM is the signature of an excellent hay farmer. While lawyers get busy with other cases, they should always put their clients first. One easy way to tell if an egg is bad is to carefully place it in a large bowl of water. I know it is timothy hay but is if bad if it's brown or yellow and not green? Learn more > Report counterfeit. If you want to nip the bad boy in the bud and walk out of the relationship before it hurts you or breaks you, just keep an eye on these 22 early warning signs of a bad boyfriend. Hey tends to yellow or become more golden if it is exposed to more sunlight as it dries before it is baled. Since my bun only eats hay (he's overweight) I'll find somewhere else to get a bale that isn't nutrientless, for now I shall be charged up the ass at petsmart. How to tell if hay is "bad"? Watch Queue Queue. Hay fever signs and symptoms can include: 1. Hay condition is also important. © Provided by Yahoo! It should be cut during a desirable stage of maturity then rapidly and well cured. The best way to tell if you have a fever is to use a thermometer to see if your body temperature is above 100.4 °F. You can tell celery has gone bad by noting the color. This prevents you from consuming rotten alfalfa that can make you sick. So you are in a good spot. If it's really bad, the hay will often have a gray or black shade the mold spores literally pop up at you when you break a bale open. Tricky question! “Typical hay fever symptoms include sneezing, a runny or blocked nose, itchy red watery eyes or an itchy throat, mouth, nose and ears,” added Donovan. Moldy hay, as mentioned by Equiniphile, has a distinctly unpleasant smell. The growth stage of the hay during harvest will have a large impact on its nutrient quality. The sprouts may also appear limp or wilted. the hay that just got damp will mold on the inside between the squares/layers, and if you open one even when its dry on the outside, you will feel how hot it is on the inside. The color of hey is more determined by how it is dried than how fresh it is. Try in many places, and take samples from the underside of the windrows as well as the top. "Hay fever can make you feel really awful, and there is no cure - but there are things you can do to help yourself," she says. Injurious – If eaten could poison or harm livestock. Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen that is often mistaken for a cough, cold or even flu. The hay must be soft to the touch and have a full leaf on the stalk. Off odors such as mildew must and other rotten odors signal exposure to undesirable elements and will affect the quality of the product, and the animals may not eat it. Growing or providing hay is no exception to this rule. When hay bales lack in uniformity and are messy to the eye, it can mean that those bales vary widely in their nutritional quality. I thought that. See more shopping tips > Licensing. There are two types of FM that can be found in hay. How to tell good weed from bad weed: The absolute basics. /r/rabbits is an open community where users can learn, share cute pictures, or ask questions about rabbits. share. Hay that has too many hard, woody stems is difficult to digest. Most hays that are yellow are green when you open the bale, hay testing is the best way to know you have good hay. Community pharmacist Thorrun Govind recommends that you treat symptoms promptly. How it's made and how can you tell whether it's good for your horse? The ideal color of fresh, high-quality hay is one that resembles that of bright green and immature grass. Marijuana is a plant, just like the veggies and herbs in your kitchen. Discolorations caused by the environmental impact can tell you a lot about what has happened during the lifespan of the hay you a purchasing. With so many similar symptoms, from sneezing to a runny nose, it’s easy to understand why many people find it hard to distinguish between the common cold and hayfever, especially in the summer months. 22 big early warning signs of a bad boyfriend. All Rights Reserved. Over-drying can be just as detrimental. For instance, Romaine and Iceberg lettuce are light green to yellow and Radicchio lettuce … If you can’t seem to get a hold of your lawyer, especially after many phone calls and messages, that’s a bad sign. If the egg sinks and stands up on one end, it’s not fresh but it’s still safe to eat. 6. I can't describe it but if you can sniff something that's been in your refrigerator a long time, and know it's moldy, you will recognize the obtrusive odor of mold in hay. Post a picture? Hay with 500,00 to 1 million cfu/g is relatively safe, while hay with over 1 million cfu/g of mold should not be fed to horses due to the risk of respiratory issues. Bad alfalfa in the container shows signs of rotting that include browning or yellowing in the leaves or shoots, as well as unpleasant and foul odors. Today I discuss how to tell the two apart. Does it smell good? While keeping this in mind, it also pays to remember that if Lucerne is too stalky, horses won’t eat it. I have fed two year old hay without … A grass crop intended for this can be cut slightly earlier than for hay and can be made anytime from early June right through to September. Overall the best way to describe it is that it should smell pleasant. two days, when he has an unlimited quantity of corn. Once hay is cut, it will ‘sweat up’ for approximately two to three weeks. The only way to know hay’s NDF content is to have it tested. Hay typically loses only about 5 percent of its original dry matter during the first year of storage---assuming that it is kept in a dry environment, not exposed to direct sunlight or precipitation. Postnasal drip 8. You’re probably familiar with what rancid oil is, but you might be less familiar with what it smells like. Hmmm I'll look into those other hays to see if it matches, Is this wheat? But essentially she is allowing you to take some control and direction to the relationship. Tell them that you are just being you. Cough 5. Though alfalfa is moist, bad alfalfa may have excessive water. It is important that animals are fed hay free of FM because they could injure them or cause illness. If it's a dark brown, feels wet, or smells moldy, it's bad hay. When you hire a lawyer, you’re bound to have questions about your case. We should all strive to be the best at our job as we can be. Signs of bad hay: A bad smell ; Brown and brittle ; Visible mold ; A bun who turns their nose up at their favorite cutting ; When in Doubt, Throw it Out. Hay typically loses only about 5 percent of its original dry matter during the first year of storage---assuming that it is kept in a dry environment, not exposed to direct sunlight or precipitation. FM can be anything from weeds to metal pieces. The most common symptoms of hay fever are a runny, itching and/or blocked nose, itchy, watery eyes and sneezing. Another easy way to determine good cannabis versus bad is smell. How old is "older hay" ?? Bunnies have sensitive tummies and the last thing you’d want to do is feed them bad Timothy hay and upset their delicate digestion system. Would you post a pic? I know it is timothy hay but is if bad if it's brown or yellow and not green? Don't be tempted to just skim off the bad parts or pick out hard grains, because bacteria you can't see may have spread into the rest of the rice. This video is unavailable. Physicians can relatively easily tell the difference by looking into your nose and seeing symptoms of the allergic reaction [related to hay fever]. Hay should be free of must, mold, insects, disease or damage. 1. Photo Credit In theory more than half of your drying is the first day. Storage condition and … So how would you know pork chops are bad? Itchy nose, roof of mouth or throat 6. Foreign Matter. “Diarrhea is common after eating bad food or from an infection and should not last more than a week in most instances,” Braha explained. I'm in my dorm and I've been just using the stuff from petsmart but I still have it in my room at home. My bunnies won't eat brown hay, the brown stuff was exposed to sunlight too much. Your email address will not be published. Sometimes hay is partly clumped togeather. If they continue to not accept it, ask that they at least refrain from trying to tell you who you are. Nothing in your message to me shows that she is sending you anything negative. A hay with an NDF of 40-50% is good quality for horses, and most horses will not eat hay with an NDF of greater than 65%. 6. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Go about finding supportive people among your friends. It’s Alive! Good hay should be dry and smell fresh. What is haylage? If the Sun is shining on a full width swath. If the hay is ready, it will make a crunching sound and snap almost. If it's a dark brown, feels wet, or smells moldy, it's bad hay. Hay fever Vs a cold. Thanks for the input! Depending on the age and type of mold, you will see either blackish coloured hay with white specks on it to masses of pretty much solid whitish gray mold that keeps the flakes of hay stuck together. And if you’re selling hay of this quality make sure you are advertising it with following three easy steps to Sell Your Hay Faster! Uniform bales will be tight, of the same color and same general texture. The hay should also not be hot: if it is, it’s a good environment for bacteria to thrive in, and it tends to compost from the inside out. If your weed smells ‘grassy’ (like fresh cut grass), ‘wheaty’ (like hay), or something along the lines of like what you remember your grandfather’s farm smelling like, you’re probably getting ripped off. Rely on your senses! The stage of maturity at harvest determines the leafiness. Brown color hey that seems desaturated or dull though tends to be older and thus has less nutrition. 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