If a student has 10 unauthorised absences (5 days) in 2 consecutive terms a second Penalty Notice letter will be sent explaining a fine may be issued. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. This information might be about you, your preferences or your device and is mostly used to … To make a complaint about a school, or a general complaint or enquiry, contact the Department for Education. Try again now or later. This is a new service. Open help text for A levels progress score for Fulston Manor School (2017)) More score details (-0.49 to -0.24) Open help text for A levels progress score for Fulston Manor School (2018)) More score details (-0.46 to -0.21) Open help text for A levels progress score for Fulston Manor … Fulston Manor School, COOKIES : By logging in, you accept that cookies will be used during your visit to WisePay. Find out more about cookies Salary: 37 Hours per week term time plus 4 weeks. Our feedback survey is currently closed. View details Attendance … FULSTON MANOR ACADEMIES TRUST Open help text for Multi-academy trust (MAT) opens a popup Gender of entry: Mixed Ofsted rating: 2 Good | Ofsted report opens in a new window Open help … The students themselves have … A clear explanation will help us fix the problem. Government research indicates a significant negative link between overall absence and attainment, with every day missed associated with lower attainment outcomes. Company profile page for Fulston Manor School including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board members, and contact information We may also suppress data on a case-by-case basis. The figures below are for the 2018/2019 academic year, which is the latest year for which performance results have been published.National figures are for state-funded schools only. For the very latest Ofsted data, please visit the Ofsted website. Fulston Manor School (Academy Trust) 2 Behaviour Policy Tutor Group of the Year. This is usually when there are 5 or fewer pupils or students covered by the measure (29 for apprenticeships measures). However, 90% attendance is the equivalent of one half day off each week and is regarded as a student having persistent absence by the Government. 16 to 18 Accountability Technical Guide opens in a new window, Read more information about the We are committed to ensuring all students achieve the best possible attendance levels and hope you can continue to encourage students to focus on the importance of being in school and of making the most of the opportunities available to them. We published the provisional results in October 2019, the revised results in February 2020 and the final results in March 2020. Our feedback survey is currently closed. Of the 210 pupils at the end of key stage 4 in this school, 206 are included in this measure. We publish results for independent schools, but they are not accountable against these measures. Find houses for sale in Fulston Manor School, Kent, ME10 with the UK's largest data-driven property portal. How many children have bee… This file includes the school or college's details such as its address, phone number and gender of entry. What type of school is Fulston Manor School and what are the admission criteria? These figures were published in April 2020 and relate to students who completed their 16 to 18 studies in the summer of 2019, except where stated otherwise. In the 2019 results, schools and colleges are counted under the MAT / sponsor they were part of as of 12 September 2018, as long as they had been with that MAT / sponsor since 12 September 2016. RE = Redacted: we redact these figures if they do not allow the calculation of a reliable estimate and therefore don’t provide a fair measure of performance. Students at Key Stage 4 with no absence were found to be 1.6 times more likely to achieve level 4 or above, and 4.7 times more likely to achieve level 5 or above, than students that missed 15-20% of all sessions. in the summer of 2019, except where stated otherwise. These can be found on the Companies House website opens in a new window . Reports to: Student Support Manager. Name and registerd office: Fulston Manor School, Brenchly Road, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 4EG . Tutor time starts at 8.50am, if a student arrives after 9am then this is an unauthorised late and can result in a Penalty Notice being issued. If this is not possible then students should not take the whole day off and should attend school around the appointment time. Please do not hesitate to contact your son’s/daughter’s Head of House for our support should you be experiencing any difficulties in persuading your son/daughter of the vital importance of regular attendance; teenagers do not always recognise the value of education when balanced against the temptation to stay in bed! Salary: 37 Hours per week term time plus 4 weeks. Figures in the performance tables will only include those qualifications documented on the list of approved qualifications for the performance tables. Any data collected is anonymised. Susie Burden, head of Fulston Manor school in Sittingbourne, Kent, said at one point she had 50 members of staff off work. Fulston Manor Academies Trust . Please could parents try wherever possible to arrange Doctor/Dentist and other appointments outside of school hours. School support jobs in Administration. 90% Attendance: post: Student Support assistant. The Attendance Officer will work alongside pastoral staff and KCC to promote excellent attendance, reduce levels of absence. This is a new service. It is important that schools monitor attendance records closely, to try and reduce persistence absents. View details Attendance … The bakery measures about 5m x 7.5m with an … When you visit any website, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Percentage of possible mornings or afternoons recorded as an absence from school for whatever reason, whether authorised or unauthorised, across the full academic year. A student with 90% attendance from Year 7 to 11 will miss 20 weeks of schooling (3 terms or half a year). These figures tell you about performance of students at this school or college at the end of their 16 to 18 phase of education opens a popup . Some students are included in more than one group - for example, a student who studied an A level will be counted in 'A levels' but also in 'Academic qualifications'. There was little to show what the site was like before the medieval period. We do not require letters from a GP, any medication packaging or an appointment card would be enough. Company Number: 122487498575 The percentage of pupils missing 10% or more of the mornings or afternoons they could attend, meaning that if a pupil’s overall rate of absence is 10% or higher across the full academic year they will be classified as persistently absent. Attendance, punctuality, participation in school events and praise postcards all contribute positively to tutor group … We avoid making these figures public to protect individual privacy. Fulston Manor School. Fulston Manor Academies Trust is seeking to appoint a motivated and committed individual to the role of Clerk to the Fulston Manor School Governors. The school uses a vertical house … For further details, see the If information is incorrect in Get information about schools, please report it to the school. The number of students shown for each type of qualification is the number who completed their 16 to 18 study at this school or college in 2019. Welcome to our Online Payment Area. Funding agreements set out how each academy is financed on an annual basis. Project: Construction of extension to existing school. Responsible to: Pastoral Deputy head. For most establishments, there is also data about the school's exam results (up to 3 years of data), Ofsted rating, pupil absence and other details. We thank you for your ongoing support and assistance in ensuring that students are in school. This school provides value for money information through the audited financial statements its academy trust provides. We will normally authorise up to 3 days of absence if we have been informed as to why the student is off, anything beyond this may result in letters being sent home and absences being classed as unauthorised. 7 jobs using the term 'volunteer' to view and apply for now with Guardian Jobs Waiting Lists – Fulston Manor School will, in line with the local authority, maintain a waiting list until the first day of the Spring Term in the admissions year. The school is a mixed school, having 51% girls and 49% boys. Kayla Macey, M8-CCO. This will be discussed with the Deputy Headteacher/Headteacher who may authorise the absence but this is very rare. For transparency, we publish the headline information for these providers separately in the national achievement rates tables. We ask for parents to make daily contact to inform us of absences via the House office, in certain medical cases some continued absences will be authorised. We plan to re-open it soon. Illegal behaviour should be reported to the police. Please explain, step by step, what you did. If we can reproduce a problem, we can try to fix it. Sol Mumford, 12-LRE. Fulston Manor School is located in Sittingbourne and falls under the local authority of Kent. Absence data covers pupils aged 5 to 15 on 31 August 2018, and is for the full 2018/2019 academic year including the second half of the summer term. Attendance. Experience of working one-to-one with students in classes across all areas of the curriculum.Fulston Manor is a high performing school which enjoys an enviable reputation for both academic … post: Student Support assistant. As a school we have a duty to ensure all students attend regularly. The Attendance Officer will work alongside pastoral staff and KCC to promote excellent attendance, reduce levels of absence. Any student whose attendance falls below 95% will automatically be sent a letter stating the attendance and outlining further actions that may have to be taken should the attendance not improve. fulston manor school “Outreach Tuition provide excellent, tailored support for some of our most vulnerable students, unable to access a mainstream curriculum. The school sets a minimum level of attendance for all students of 95% which is endorsed by the Department for Education and the Local Authority. As the courses students are studying grow increasingly more challenging and the expectations of students are greater it is imperative that students have excellent attendance. Where schools have changed type recently, data for previous years covering their previous incarnation is included below as well. BETA Brenchley Road, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 4EG, Everybody matters, everybody succeeds, everybody helps, Year 7 Literacy And Numeracy Catch Up Funding, Key Worker/Vulnerable Child Provision Form. An error had occurred whilst trying to add or remove this school or college to comparison. Photograph: Martin Godwin/The Guardian ... while pupil attendance … Fulston Manor is an extremely successful, non-selective school, with a current roll of 1283, which includes a rapidly growing sixth form of almost 300 and intense pressure for places in all other years. FMAT BAND … Below are some reminders regarding how the school will approach attendance concerns and the obligations on parents/guardians to ensure that we are aware of reasons for absence. Information such as headteacher's name, school website, address, location on the map, gender, age-range and school type also typically take 1 to 2 months to be updated here after first being updated, by the school, in Get information about schools. If there are exceptional circumstances with regards to a request for leave of absence this is to be made in writing to the Head of House with 3 weeks notice. Informing us of absence due to illness does not automatically guarantee it will be authorised, this will be determined by the school depending on the student’s current attendance levels and whether medical evidence has been provided. For further information on this school's finances, visit the Schools financial benchmarking service. In previous years absence data was based on the autumn and spring terms only. All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated. Catering Top Up. Below are some reminders regarding how the school will approach attendance concerns and the obligations on parents/guardians to ensure that we are aware of reasons for absence. Fulston Manor. Accept cookies. We do expect to be informed if parents have booked a holiday. This mixed-sex secondary school has 1,337 pupils, with a capacity of 1,104, aged from eleven up to eighteen, and … Technical guidance Home. Fulston Manor School. Daniel Douglas, M10-JEA. A number of students have 90% attendance and appear to believe this to be of no concern. We also use non-essential cookies to help us improve government digital services. To view all schools and colleges currently under the MAT / sponsor visit the FULSTON MANOR … In 2017/18, the most recent full … This will state how many unauthorised absences there are. key stages and the national curriculum opens in a new window, SFA national success rates opens in a new window, National achievement rates tables opens in a new window. There are only 190 school days in the year and students need to ensure they utilise these fully to offer them the best opportunity for future success. Top up your meal account balance here … The open date and status above indicates when Fulston Manor School opened or when it changed to its most recent incarnation, with a number of schools converting to academies in recent years. A small … Fulston Manor Sittingbourne. Fulston Manor Academies Trust is seeking to appoint a motivated and committed individual to the role of Clerk to the Fulston Manor School Governors. our methodology and technical documents There is a clear link between good attendance and academic achievement. Students should be in school by 8.40am and any student arriving to the school gates after 8.40am will have their responsibility card signed. It teaches years 7-13 (11- to 18-year-olds). Open help text for Progress 8 score for Fulston Manor School (2017)) More score details (-0.32 to 0.04) Open help text for Progress 8 score for Fulston Manor School (2018)) More score details (-0.91 to -0.56) Open help text for Progress 8 score for Fulston Manor … At Fulston Manor School we expect students to have 100% attendance and at a minimum to meet 95%. It has plenty of room to study, in a new, state … Figures below show what proportion of the half day sessions were missed by pupils and how this compares to the local and national averages. With a higher than average 1289, Fulston Manor School has a large number of pupils in the UK. Main contractor: Morgan Sindall: Work carried out: Substructure, drainage, two storey reinforced concrete … This form is for reporting problems with the Find and Compare Schools In England section of the GOV.UK website. Therefore, the Fulston Manor Strategic Board and Executive Team oversee educational policy and practice, the standards achieved, the management and deployment of financial, ICT and human resources, governance and strategic development for the whole family of Fulston Manor … State-funded schools (local authority maintained schools and academies) are held to account for their performance against these measures. Fulston Manor School head Alan Brookes “This is the moral thing to do and a path we will continue to follow, placing the interests of our students and our parents above all other considerations. Megan Trull, M9-PLH. A scattering of burnt and worked flint suggested that prehistoric people once used the area and there were a few pieces of Roman brick and tile, probably from a building nearby (the Roman Watling Street ran through Sittingbourne). This is monitored fortnightly and students may be spoken to. Inspection report: Fulston Manor School, 27−28 February 2014 2 of 9 Information about this inspection Inspectors observed 58 lessons or part lessons, involving more than half of the teachers. You should be cautious comparing absence figures over time, as full academic year absence figures are only available Reports to: Student Support Manager. Browse detached, semi-detached and terraced properties to buy in Fulston Manor School, Kent, … They have only a 94.2% attendance … By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. All maintained school governing bodies and academy trusts have a legal duty to provide all of the governance information requested on this page in so far as it is available to them. SUPP = Suppressed: in certain circumstances we will suppress an establishment's data. Guidance and supporting documentation on school performance tables: Understanding school and college performance measures (opens in a new window), Methodology and technical documents (opens in a new window), Guidance on approved qualifications (opens in a new window). opens in a new window. Very good attendance is recognised through the awarding of certificates and other positive reinforcements. for 2013 to 2014 onwards. It typically takes 1 to 2 months, and can take longer in some circumstances, for Ofsted data to be made available and updated here following an inspection. Please explain what you expected to happen, and what actually happened. Fulston Manor is committed to working with parents and guardians to ensure as high a level of school attendance as possible and as I am sure you will appreciate, where attendance falls below 100%, this impacts on a student’s ability to achieve their potential and becomes a cause for concern. Fulston Manor has a duty to ensure that all students’ time in school is worthwhile and stimulating. If your son/daughter receives unauthorised absences, a Penalty Notice warning letter may be sent. Victor Isa, S11-CLW. Offers of admission from the waiting list will be … Parents have a duty to make sure that their children attend… Every teacher at Fulston Manor is 100% supportive and happy to go out of their way to offer extra guidance, and the Sixth Form building is second to none! No holidays are authorised. This page shows final opens a popup results for pupils who completed key stage 4 opens a popup We plan to re-open it soon. More detail is available in GOV.UK uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. Penalty notices will be issued if a student takes an unauthorised holiday. Responsible to: Pastoral Deputy head. The following students' are recognised for 100% attendance for the week, 2 nd to 6 th November 2020: Isaac Cork, M7-HBO. The majority of the archaeology from the site dates to the medieval period (1066-1499), and the most interesting discovery was the site of a medieval bakery. For schools that opened or closed part way through this period, the absence information will be based on a shorter period. FMAT BAND … Some academies have a single agreement, others may have extra documents such as supplementary funding agreements, deeds of variation and Church supplementary agreements. At Fulston Manor School we expect students to have 100% attendance and at a minimum to meet 95%. See the absence statistics guide opens in a new window for more information on how we collect and report absence figures. Kirsty Genfi, 13-WJO. Most improved attendance … Where we know of medical reasons for this absence we may not send this letter, however, this will not always be the case. Fulston Manor School is a secondary School with academy status in Sittingbourne, Kent.The head teacher is Alan Brookes. Don't include any personal or financial information, for example your National Insurance number or credit card details. Fulston Manor School, Welcome to our Online Payment Area. opens in a new window, This school or college does not provide financial data directly comparable with maintained schools. good attendance. Open help text for Academy converter opens a popup, Open help text for Multi-academy trust (MAT) opens a popup, Open help text for Ofsted rating opens a popup, Open help text for Non-selective opens a popup, Open help text for Financial information opens a popup, Open help text for Get information about schools opens a popup, Open help text for Download data 2015-2018 opens a popup, Open help text for Progress 8 score opens a popup, Open help text for Progress 8 score for Fulston Manor School (2019)), Open help text for Entering EBacc opens a popup, Open help text for Staying in education or entering employment for at least 2 terms after key stage 4 opens a popup, Open help text for Grade 5 or above in English & maths GCSEs opens a popup, Open help text for Attainment 8 score opens a popup, Open help text for EBacc average point score opens a popup, Subjects entered at key stage 4 in 2018/2019, Advanced level qualifications (level 3) results over time, Print full information about this school/college, Staying in education or entering employment, Grade 5 or above in English & maths GCSEs, Total number of pupils on roll (all ages), Pupils with an SEN Education, Health and Care Plan, Pupils whose first language is not English, Pupils eligible for free school meals at any time during the past 6 years, LOWCOV = Low coverage: shown for the ‘value added’ measure and coverage indicator where schools have less than 50% of pupils included in calculation of the measure, NA = Not applicable: figures are either not available for the year in question, or the data field is not applicable to the school or college, NE = No entries: the school or college did not enter any pupils or students for the qualifications covered by the measure, NP = Not published: for example, we do not publish Progress 8 data for independent schools and independent special schools, or breakdowns by disadvantaged and other pupils for independent schools, independent special schools and non-maintained special schools, SP = Small percentage: the number is between 0% and 0.5%. , Fulston Manor school has a large number of students have 90 % attendance … school support jobs Administration... 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