Keep in mind each person’s specific needs, including medication. The City of Miami Beach makes no representations or warranties, nor assumes any liability, arising from the use of these maps. A few small maintenance actions on your property can also prevent stormwater from ponding. Tune in to local radio or television stations. The City Council serves as the governing body for the City of North Myrtle Beach. 23-158. Look for fire hazards (such as damaged gas lines, flooded electrical circuits, or submerged furnaces). Check for gas leaks. In response to COVID-19, Horry County Planning and Zoning will accept email submittals for zoning compliances for business licensing, rezoning and variance requests, and other forms available under the Documents portion of this page that cannot be submitted through our online plan submittal portal. North Myrtle Beach Vacation Rentals – A Helpful Guide! Recognized on maps from the National Wetlands Inventory, this type of ecosystem is extremely valuable as a nursery for many species of marine fish, including Don’t put grass clippings, leaves or other debris into any of the drains, ditches, creeks, culverts, gutters or ravines in the city. While autumn is when leaves are most likely to collect in drains, it can happen at any time of the year. Official Zoning Map. FEMA’s Homeowner’s Guide to Retrofitting: Six Ways To Protect Your Home From Flooding, provides detailed information that will help you decide whether your house is a candidate for retrofitting. MunicodeNEXT, the industry's leading search application with over 3,300 codes and growing! Building Permits, Courtesy Review, Site-Specific Development Plan, Plat Review, and Zoning Map Amendment. Check your property’s drainage system. Baldwin, IIIDistrict: Crescent BeachBusiness Phone: 843-272-6333Mobile Phone: 843-458-0931Term: 2019 to 2023Email: Email J.O. Make ties between concrete and other materials with drilled-in fasteners or cast-in-place fasteners. The City of Miami Beach makes no representations or warranties, nor assumes any liability, arising from the use of these maps. Get directions, reviews and information for North Myrtle Beach Zoning in North Myrtle Beach, SC. Keep it in a yard waste bin or other container. 95-10, §§ 7, 9, 3-20-95) Sec. Inspect for leaks or damage to rain gutters that could cause a flat roof to flood. Learn about the City's neighbourhoods, demographics, history and culture. The mission of the Community Development Department is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public and to enhance the city's aesthetic appearance, maintain and improve the commercial and residential environment, and raise the general quality of life in the city. City of North Miami Beach 17011 NE 19th Avenue N Miami Beach, FL 33162 Phone: 305-947-7581 Most of the marine life is dependent on decomposing detritus from the salt marsh for their food supply. Learn and practice evacuation routes, shelter plans, and flash flood response. City of West Palm Beach 401 Clematis Street West Palm Beach, FL 33401. If water is rising inside the vehicle, then seek refuge on the roof. Maintain your drainage systems. Do not walk, swim, or drive through flood waters. Flammable material may be present. No. Meet your Mayor and Council, review bios and find contact info. City of North Myrtle Beach SC Maps All of the North Myrtle Beach maps on this page are printable. A. Do not climb into a closed attic. Video Conferences. Welds are often unable to carry uplift loads. All materials contained herein are to be used for reference purposes only. Being prepared is the best defense against damage from flooding and other disasters. Unplug electrical equipment and small appliances. Wear sturdy shoes. Keep North Myrtle Beach Beautiful Commission, J. Bryan Floyd Community Center Teaching Proposal, Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals, Generally held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month, Executive session may be held prior to the meeting. City of Boynton Beach, Planning & Zoning 100 E. Ocean Ave., Boynton Beach, FL 33435. Learn about the City's neighbourhoods, demographics, history and culture. Your Government . No. South Carolina SC Maps SC City Maps Myrtle Beach Area Maps Myrtle Beach Map Myrtle Beach SC Map If you would like to print a paper version of this map, see our printable Myrtle Beach map and printable North Myrtle Beach map. Sandbags, temporary flood barriers, and flood wrapping systems are common emergency flood protection measures. Town of Surfside Beach SC Maps All of the Surfside Beach maps on this page are printable. Do not store furniture or other items like firewood, fuel tanks, containers and loose items in your yard, as floodwaters can wash these items into culverts and cause flooding. Identify and remove trees and branches that could fall on the building walls or roof, or on power lines. Because the City of North Myrtle Beach is located on the coast, it is subject to flooding from the Atlantic Ocean, Intracoastal Waterway, and also to inland flooding from the Waccamaw River and other rivers and streams.. Are You Located in a Flood Zone? Oceanfront dunes serve as a buffer against minor wave height fluctuations and beach erosion. Over half of all flood-related drownings occur when a vehicle is driven into hazardous flood water. Please contact to request a copy of the current Zoning or Future Land Use maps, or any other static PDF maps. Snakes and other animals may be in your house. Make sure that items such as important documents and irreplaceable personal objects such as photographs are stored in a safe location, preferably in watertight containers. Secure your home: lock all doors and windows. White Point Estuary Swash is a coastal estuary ecosystem located near the southeast end of the city. As flooding spreads out across a floodplain, the energy from the flooding dissipates resulting in lower downstream flooding, reduced erosion of streambanks and channels, the deposition of fertile sediments higher in the watershed, and improved groundwater recharge, Floodplains are scenic, valued as wildlife habitat, and suitable for farming. Avoid piling yard waste like fallen leaves and sticks in your yard, where it could wash into City drains. Do not touch electrical equipment if it is wet or if you are standing in water. Any insurance agent can sell a flood insurance policy; all agents must charge the same rates. many that have commercial and recreational value. For more information on the different zoning designations: Zoning Regulations Directory . Once there, signal for help. Surfside Beach SC Hotels – A Helpful Guide! Listen to authorities for information and instructions. Underground or downed power lines can also electrically charge the water. Rent Beach Chairs Online. Use a rake or broom to remove leaves and debris from the tops of storm drains, and then place the material in your yard waste cart. When it rains, street drains help to keep neighborhoods from flooding. During a flood watch, plan for the possibility of a flood and stay connected to the local news, weather channel, or radio station for the latest information. A Weather Alert Radio can help you stay informed of changing conditions. Because the estuary is nearly surrounded by development, the ecological value of the swash may be somewhat limited. Declutter drains and gutters. Do not enter a building that has flooded until local building officials have inspected it for safety. City Council members each serve four-year, staggered terms; three Council seats are elected every two years. business interruption, and loss of wages for employees. Fast-moving water can wash bridges away without warning. Consisting of the Mayor and six Council members, each member has one vote. Minimize the creation of windborne debris by appropriately designing, manufacturing, and installing architectural features. No member shall hold any other public office or position in the city or county. What does the City's Municipal Code have to say about Activity Centers: Code Reference. However, we need your help too. or replace the building(s). Use adequate ties to foundations and roofs when reinforcing concrete and partially reinforced masonry. Human Resources. Zoning Map. What is Myrtle Beach's population and area (in square miles)? Access Council Meeting agendas, minutes, reports & schedules. In response to COVID-19, Horry County Planning and Zoning will accept email submittals for zoning compliances for business licensing, rezoning and variance requests, and other forms available under the Documents portion of this page that cannot be submitted through our online plan submittal portal. Obtain extra batteries and charging devices for phones and other critical equipment. Be sure to have plenty of small bills, as it may be difficult to get change. An important natural resource, the AICW connects the City from its southern boundary to Hog Inlet at the North. Shoreline stabilization structures are present over approximately 3 miles of shoreline (approximately 16,000 ft. of seawall, 2,200 ft. of bulkhead, and 100 ft. of riprap) and are currently protected from exposure to waves and near shore processes by a berm and dune system in most places. Install check valves. Since the early 1980's the City has experienced steady population growth and development. Mayor & Council. Contact Us. Retrofitting means making changes to an existing building to protect it from flooding or other hazards such as high winds and earthquakes. Ticket Payments. Get flood coverage under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). A flood watch means conditions are favorable for a flood or flash flood. Mayor Marilyn HatleyPhone: 843-280-5525Term: 2017 to 2021Email: Email Marilyn HatleyAbout our Mayor, Councilman Terry White, Mayor pro temporeDistrict: Ocean DriveBusiness Phone: 843-272-6115Home Phone: 843-272-3323Mobile Phone: 843-241-1371Term: 2017 to 2021Email: Email Terry White, Councilman J.O. Examine walls, floors, doors, windows, and ceilings for risk of collapsing. Turn off the electricity at the main circuit breaker if you can reach it without stepping in water. Watch out for animals that might have entered with the floodwaters. City of Myrtle Beach Zoning Code (Updated May 12, 2020) GIS Zoning & Address Map (LINK) Zoning & City Limits Map (Updated October 2, 2019) ANNEXATION & CITY LIMITS MAP An annexation guide is available for nearby property owners who wish to consider bringing their land into the city limits. Name * E-Mail * Subject * Message * 4 + 1 = ? Buildings damaged by wind often suffer water damage as well. Planning & Zoning Division The Shops at Village Square 420 US Highway 1 Suite 21 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Map Phone: 561-841-3365 (Extension 4367) Fax: 561-841-8242 Alex Ahrenholz Principal Planner 561-882-1156 Email Hours Except Holidays Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m Or email for an appointment Staff Directory Runoff can also carry pollutants that may harm susceptible species of fish and other aquatic life. The City operates under a council-manager form of government and provides its citizens with a variety of municipal services, including police and fire protection, water and sewer, sanitation service, and recreational facilities. Mayor & Council. 411 West Ocean Blvd., 3rd Floor . Planning Tools for Developers. The best way to find out what’s in your pipes is to ask a professional to “video inspect” your underground drainage system. Grand Strand Airport is situated 2 miles east of City of North Myrtle Beach. Bring in outdoor furniture and other personal property kept outdoors. 6 inches of fast-moving flood water can knock over an adult; just 12 inches of rushing water can carry away a small car, while 2 feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles. Call to Order B. Emergency measures are temporary measures that are implemented between the flood warning and the flood event to protect the building from floodwaters. North Myrtle Beach from Mapcarta, the free map. Job postings on TVs inside City Hall;; SC Employment Security Commission; Various job search websites ; Applying for a Position. City Boundary & Existing Zoning City of North Charleston Property Information System. Planning Division (843) 280-5566. Don’t Drown! Clean the gutters and drainage downspouts attached to your roof twice a year. Protect yourself and others from the flood and evacuate immediately if advised. You may become trapped by rising floodwater. If your vehicle is trapped in rapidly moving water, then stay inside. North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582. Business Hours. Listen to EAS, NOAA Weather Radio, or local alerting systems for current emergency information and instructions. The, To report illegal floodplain development, please call, AE flood zone: All buildings shall be elevated so the lowest floor is located not less than twelve inches above the level of base flood, VE flood zone: All buildings shall be elevated so the bottom of the lowest supporting horizontal member is located not less than twelve inches above the level of base flood, Mobile homes located in a flood zone: Platform for the air conditioning condenser shall be constructed not less than twelve inches above the level of base flood, Proper height must be verified by a finished construction elevation certificate, Any project for improvement of a structure to correct existing violations of state or local health, sanitary, or safety code specifications which have been identified by the local code enforcement official and which are the minimum necessary to assure safe living conditions, or, Any alterations of a “historic structure,” provided that the alteration will not preclude the structure’s continued designation as a “historic structure.”. Never discharge water over the edge of a steep hill. City crews work hard to maintain all of the City’s drainage infrastructure, including storm drains on streets. Zoning Use Regulations. Stay off bridges over fast-moving water. Wear heavy gloves and boots during clean up. Consider a sump pump with a battery. Chapter 23: Zoning Ordinance. Organization and proceedings. Never drive around barricades. If you live at the base of a hill or on a cliff, ensure that drainage and retaining walls are properly functioning. Maintaining the drainage system on private property is the owner’s responsibility. Contact the NFIP Referral Call Center at (888)379-9531 to request an agent referral. It is NEVER safe to drive or walk into flood waters. Come Visit. 88-35, 11-1-88; Ord. The undersigned hereby respectfully requests that the City of North Myrtle Beach Zoning Ordinance be amended by changing the Official Zoning Map. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Turn off any outside gas lines at the meter tank. The City of North Myrtle Beach uses the Horry County Emergency Management Plan, City of North Myrtle Beach Ordinance dealing with Flood Damage Control, SCDHEC Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM), Flood Map Determinations and an explanation of your risk to flooding, Copies of Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), Requirements for Construction in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA), NOAA and the National Weather Service maintain a. Download Your FEMA FIRM panel here (pdf file format): When you purchase or renew a flood insurance policy, The City of North Myrtle Beach is an active participant in the, Check your policy carefully; separate coverage can be obtained for a building’s. The City of North Myrtle Beach does not require filing residency or business information prior to a storm. It explains the methods and benefits of annexation and provides additional contact information. Official Website of the City of North Vancouver. In an evacuation, gas may not be readily available. Bylaws. South Carolina SC Maps SC County Maps Horry County Map Map of Horry County Our map of Horry County documents the roads, highways, towns, and boundaries in and near Myrtle Beach.A great overview map for the Myrtle Beach area, including local landmarks like Conway, Little River, North Myrtle Beach, Surfside Beach etc. Water driven by hurricane-force wind can enter through usually rain-tight openings, and rain entering through a damaged roof can lay waste to the inside of a building. Maintaining these systems is the property owner’s responsibility. Authorized by Congress in 1919, the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway is a 3,000-mile waterway along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. City of Boynton Beach, Planning & Zoning 100 E. Ocean Ave., Boynton Beach, FL 33435. Do not enter a building if it is still flooded or surrounded by floodwater. Council duties include adopting codes, appropriating funds and adopting annual budgets, levying taxes and issuing bonds, expanding the City’s jurisdiction through annexation, administering public lands, and enacting policies to promote the health, safety, and well-being of the residents of North Myrtle Beach. Online Services Careers City Maps Contact Us. If you have a driveway that leads down from the street, be sure to clear the drain at the bottom of the slope. We use top-notch software products provided by the Environmental Science Research Institute (ESRI) and deliver high quality products. City of North Myrtle Beach March 2008 – Present 11 years 8 months Lead an active department of 17 professionals in planning, zoning, building permits and inspections. This is especially important on commercial properties that have catch basins or other drainage systems. Includes city departments, employment opportunities, telephone directory and public notices information. Offers information about the city for businesses and residents. The guide helps by describing six retrofitting methods that protect your house from flooding. of natural inlets, saltwater rivers, bays, and sounds; other lengths include constructed canals. If told to evacuate, do so immediately. About the City. Fax: 843-280-5521 . To view open positions and apply online, visit our Employment Opportunities Portal page. Director of Public Works/City Engineer. If you are traveling to Myrtle Beach, don't forget to see our helpful guide to Myrtle Beach Vacation Rentals. Some lengths consist The Emergency Alert System (EAS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio also provide emergency alerts. For homes subject to a lower flood risk, a Preferred Risk Policy can offer multiple coverage combinations for structure and contents. A flood warning means a flood/flash flood is occurring or imminent. Zoning Variance Application. Poorly planned floodplain development leads to streambank erosion, property loss, increased flooding risk, and decreased water quality. Consider putting extra cash and important papers in a safe deposit box at your bank. The evacuation route from the City of North Myrtle Beach and points northward is to take SC 9 north to I-95 and beyond. A. Council Meetings. Flood maps, known officially as Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), show areas of high, moderate, and low flood risk. Fill necessary prescriptions, and stock up on any necessary medical supplies. City of North Miami Beach 17011 NE 19th Avenue N Miami Beach, FL 33162 Phone: 305-947-7581 City of North Myrtle Beach SC Maps All of the North Myrtle Beach maps on this page are printable. Minutes: Approval/Correction of Minutes – November 12, 2020; C. Old Business D. New Business: Request 20-12 Thomas D. Phillips: The applicant is requesting a variance from Section 1603 (Area, Height and Dimensional Requirements).The property is located at 3720 Tea Rose Street and is identified by TMS #186-26-01-001. Long Beach, CA 90802. The Planning Department has strived to provide maps as accurate as possible. The name "Myrtle Beach" comes from the wax myrtle, an abundant local shrub, and was chosen in a name-the-town contest in 1900. Being prepared is the best defense against damage from flooding and other disasters. In our community, the AICW is primarily used by recreational boaters and fishermen. Don’t forget the needs of pets. Turn Around. This term includes structures which have incurred “substantial damage,” regardless of the actual repair work performed. Grand Strand Airport is a county-owned, public-use airport located one nautical mile northwest of the central business district of North Myrtle Beach, in Horry County, South Carolina, United States. Direct flows from downspouts away from your foundation, without discharging flows to adjacent properties. About the City. Meet your Mayor and Council, review bios and find contact info. North Myrtle Beach was formed in 1968 when four small beach towns, Cherry Grove, Ocean Drive, Crescent Beach, and Windy Hill Beach consolidated into one community. Email Kevin Blayton . Myrtle Beach was incorporated in 1938 and became a city in 1957, when the permanent population first topped 5,000. provides a navigable route safe from many of the hazards inherent to travel on the open sea. Visit FEMA’s Flood Map Service Center for information. Avoid the use of powder-driven anchors to attach bottom plates of walls to concrete unless the anchors are very closely spaced to resist pull-out. The term does not, however, include either: Substantial Damage applies to a structure in a floodplain for which the total cost of repairs is 50 percent or more of the structure’s market value before the disaster occurred, regardless of the cause of damage. Back Streets Subcommittee Update: Recommend a vision and study the zoning and other possible impediments to realization of that vision for the “back street” mixed-use areas from 29th North to 29th South, between Kings Highway and Ocean Boulevard, with delivery of such report to City … There is increasing interest in water trails offering an eco-tourism experience attractive to paddle sports enthusiasts. Briarcliffe Acres south to Myrtle Beach 10th Avenue North: Evacuees in Briarcliffe Acres south to 10th Avenue North will take SC 22 (Conway Bypass) to US 501 to Marion. Avoid low-lying areas. City Council members each serve four-year, staggered terms; three Council seats are elected every two years. Minutes: Approval/Correction of Minutes – November 12, 2020; C. Old Business D. New Business: Request 20-12 Thomas D. Phillips: The applicant is requesting a variance from Section 1603 (Area, Height and Dimensional Requirements).The property is located at 3720 Tea Rose Street and is identified by TMS #186-26-01-001. 24 listings related to City of Miami Beach makes no representations or,! Necessary medical supplies birds, including medication Swash may be difficult to get change Official website of the and! Ties to foundations and roofs when reinforcing concrete and other disasters may not readily... Nor assumes any liability, arising from the use of these maps are not to be as! Damage as well and growing public service as it may be difficult to get change public! Activity Centers: Code reference areas, use enhanced wind Design for coverings... 3,000-Mile Waterway along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the City of North Charleston ’ s Geographic information System EAS... 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