Westover, who stridently opposed cancellation of the Woodring program, was killed in an air crash on 21 September 1938 and was succeeded by Arnold. When the QMC failed to put new air bases in place in either an efficient or timely manner, the Corps of Engineers was then assigned the task, although it continued to implement the policies already in place. He had not learned to fly until he was 40 years of age and was a reluctant participant in Washington's social environs, usually depending on his assistant Hap Arnold to fulfill the protocol role. Army Ranks; Marine Corps Ranks; Navy Ranks; Air Force Ranks; Coast Guard Ranks; Military Pay Charts. Both he and Lahm served a single tour. 6, pp. [16] Organizationally the Air Corps doubled from seven to fifteen groups, but the expansion was meaningless because all were seriously understrength in aircraft and pilots. [2], The Air Corps ceased to have an administrative structure after 9 March 1942, but as "the permanent statutory organization of the air arm, and the principal component of the Army Air Forces," the overwhelming majority of personnel assigned to the AAF were members of the Air Corps. Although Roosevelt was disposed to intervention as a last resort, warnings that he intended to intervene under the Treaty of 1903 were made to the revolutionaries. Conversely, pursuit tacticians, primarily Capt. [58] Administratively it organized the forces into four geographical districts (which later became the first four numbered air forces) that paralleled the four field army headquarters created in 1933. The acquisition boards put together by the General Staff were hampered by their total unfamiliarity with Air Corps needs, a lack of instructions from a General Staff also unfamiliar with and disinterested in AC requirements, and the slowness of the boards themselves in submitting their reports. As their numbers and utility declined, they were replaced by a series of 50 twin-engine and single-engine small transports and used for staff duties. In 1944, Congress created the rank General of the Air Force. The agreement, intended as a modification of the Joint Action statement on coastal defense issued in 1926, was not endorsed by the Joint Army-Navy Board[n 10] and never had authority other than personal agreement between the two heads of service. Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA) Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Sergeant Major (SgtMaj) of the Marine Corps (SgtMajMC) Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force (CMSAF) Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard (MCPO-CG) ENLISTED MEMBERS. [71], Even with the doctrine of strategic bombardment as its priority, the Air Corps belatedly sought to modernize its tactical combat force under GHQ Air Force, bringing into service the Northrop A-17 and Douglas B-18 Bolo in 1936, the Seversky P-35 in 1937, and the Curtiss P-36 in 1938. The Air Force values all its servicemembers, but places Pilots in especially high regard. Of the new law and organization, however, Wesley F. Craven and James L. Cate in the official history of the United States Army Air Forces concluded that: "The bill which was finally enacted purported to be a compromise, but it leaned heavily on the Morrow recommendations. 138–139), while the Baker Board was formed after the Air Mail scandal and had as its military members (who controlled the agenda) the five generals of the Drum Board (Tate pp. World War II Army Air Corps Sort by Featured Best Selling Alphabetically, A-Z Alphabetically, Z-A Price, low to high Price, high to low Date, new to old Date, old to new Filters [75] Except for the B-24, P-47, and P-51, all of these had production deliveries that began before the AAF came into being in June 1941. Army Air Corps Abbreviations. Summer and winter service uniforms were both worn throughout the year in the continental U.S. During World War II the European theater of operat… basic grading scale: mint / near mint+ / near mint / excellent / very good / good. Assured of a free hand by Marshall, Arnold thought that it would "be a serious mistake to change the existing setup" in the midst of the crucial expansion effort,[109] which in less than five years would be more than 100 times its June 1939 size in personnel (much of it highly trained technically) alone. Marshall appointed an Air Corps officer, Brig. The highest rank attainable in the Air Force is the five-star General of the Air Force. The service was not authorized an official air staff until creation of the Army Air Forces in June 1941. The first action to repair the damaged image of the Air Corps involved the movement of ten YB-10s from Bolling Field to Alaska, ostensibly for an airfield survey, but timed to coincide with the release of the Baker Board's report in July. Even in the short run, however, coordination proved to be no substitute for unity of command. Emmons, who had begun his tour junior to Arnold, was promoted to lieutenant general to make him equal to the commanders of the field armies also controlled by Army GHQ. 495), 26 July 1947. The next notable advancement is to a Noncommissioned Officer. Brigadier. None of the goals was reached by July 1932. The distance is commonly but erroneously given as 725 miles. It was created using most of the existing Army Air Corps … [24], The open insurgency between 1920 and 1935 of airmen foreseeing a need for an independent air force in order to develop fully the potential of airpower had cost the careers of two of its near-legendary lights, Foulois and Mitchell, and nearly cost the reputation of two others, Pratt and Henry H. Arnold. Army Navy Air Force Marine Corps Coast Guard An enlisted member enters the Army as a Private. 134–136). [60][n 27], Lines of authority were also blurred as GHQ Air Force controlled only combat flying units within the continental United States. [94] Twenty civilian flight schools and eight technical training schools were contracted to provide additional training facilities, and on 10 August 1940, Pan American Airways was contracted to provide meteorological and navigation training at Coral Gables, Florida, until military schools could be established. Field Marshal. Correll, John T.(December 2008), "Rendezvous With the. Westover was chosen because he was the philosophical opposite of the two insurgent airmen in all respects, being a "team player". A coup styled "the revolt of the sergeants" seized the Cuban military and replaced a provisional government sponsored by the Roosevelt Administration with a junta. On 5 October 1940, Arnold drew up a proposal to reorganize the air arm along functional lines, creating an air staff, unifying the various organizations under one commander, and giving it autonomy with the ground and supply forces—a plan which was eventually adopted in March 1942—and submitted it to Chief of Staff George C. Marshall, but it was immediately opposed by the General Staff in all respects.[101]. Despite an embarrassing performance that resulted numerous crashes and 13 fatalities and was deemed a "fiasco" in the media, investigating boards in 1933–1934[n 8] recommended organizational and modernization changes that again set the Air Corps on the path to autonomy and eventual separation from the Army. All rights reserved. [104], In the spring of 1941, the combat successes of the British Royal Air Force and the German Luftwaffe under centralized control made clear that the fragmenting of authority in the American air arm had resulted in a dangerous lack of clear channels of command. The advent of the new generation of monoplanes and the emergence of strategic bombardment doctrine led to many designs in the mid and late 1930s that were still in use when the United States entered World War II. Air Marshal. [106] Two further attempts by Arnold to implement his reorganization were again rejected by the WDGS in October and November. After World War I, as early aviation became an increasingly important part of modern warfare, a philosophical rift developed between more traditional ground-based army personnel and those who felt that aircraft were being underutilized and that air operations were being stifled for political reasons unrelated to their effectiveness. The Army Air Forces will be land-based and employed as an essential element to the Army in the performance of its mission to defend the coasts at home and in our overseas possessions, thus assuring the fleet absolute freedom of action without any responsibility for coast defense. The War Department desired to implement the Lassiter Board's recommendations, but the administration of President Calvin Coolidge chose instead to economize by radically cutting military budgets, particularly the Army's. That year President Franklin Roosevelt called for production of fifty thousand planes, Hermann Göering reportedly laughed at the notion, yet American industry in fact delivered ninety-six thousand to the U.S. services and Allied nations in 1… Shiner, "The Coming of the GHQ Air Force", p. 159. Maj. Gen. Mason Patrick, the Chief of Air Service, had proposed that it be made a semi-independent service within the War Department along the lines of the Marine Corps within the Navy Department, but this was rejected; only the cosmetic name change was accepted. Major-General. The political struggle had temporarily alienated supporters in Congress, had been counterproductive of the development of the Air Corps in the short run, and had hardened the opposition of an already antagonistic General Staff. [109][n 47], The Congress did not dis-establish the Army Air Corps as a combat arm until 26 July 1947, when the National Security Act of 1947 (61 Stat. Army, Air Force and Marine Corps officers are called company grade officers in the pay … [81][n 36], In June 1939 the Kilner Board[n 37] recommended several types of bombers needed to fulfill the Air Corps mission that included aircraft having tactical radii of both 2,000 and 3,000 miles (revised in 1940 to 4,000). Several of these lists mention NATO reference codes.These are the NATO rank … Its ten new combat groups were activated on 1 February 1940. Abbreviation. [n 43] By comparison, the RAF had 1,750 first-line aircraft and the German Luftwaffe 3,750. [7] However another board, headed by Dwight Morrow, was appointed in September 1925 by Coolidge ostensibly to study the "best means of developing and applying aircraft in national defense" but in reality to minimize the political impact of the pending court-martial of Billy Mitchell (and to preempt the findings of the Lampert Committee). The first-line aircraft that would soon be considered obsolete were the B-18, A-17, and P-36. [9][n 2] The legislation changed the name of the Air Service to the Air Corps, (in the words of one analyst) "thereby strengthening the conception of military aviation as an offensive, striking arm rather than an auxiliary service. Though the Navy repudiated the statement when Pratt retired in 1934, the Air Corps clung to the mission, and provided itself with the basis for development of long-range bombers and creating new doctrine to employ them.[28][29]. On its first day of existence, the command consisted of 60 bombers, 42 attack aircraft, 146 pursuits, and 24 transports, amounting to 40% of strength in the tables of organization. Andrews had originally been a cavalryman, and had married into the inner circles in Washington, while Westover, a former infantry officer with the unfortunate nickname of "Tubby," had pursued his career with bulldog-like determination. The Coolidge administration boasted of cutting the War Department's budget by 75%. [27], The Air Corps in January 1931 "got its foot in the door" for developing a mission for which only it would have capability, while at the same time creating a need for technological advancement of its equipment. These four squadrons were inactivated on 1 September 1936 and replaced by the 61st through 64th School Squadrons inclusive. Soon after the Roosevelt administration placed the blame on him for the Air Corps' failures, he was investigated by a congressional subcommittee alleging corruption in aircraft procurement. [n 19] As a direct result, the last planned order of long-range bombers (67 B-17s) was cancelled by Craig[n 20] and a moratorium on further development of them was put into effect by restricting R&D funding to medium and light bombers. Base commanders of Air Corps installations reported to as many as four different higher echelons. In 1944, Congress created the rank Fleet Admiral to be granted to four people. Major-General. The, This group had operated as the provisional "1st Transport Group" between 1932 and 1937, with a squadron serving each of the Air Corps' four air depots. The Air Corps was renamed by the United States Congress largely as a compromise between the advocates of a separate air arm and those of the traditionalist Army high command who viewed the aviation arm as an auxiliary branch to support the ground forces. This was resolved by the creation of the Army Air Forces (AAF), making both organizations subordinate to the new higher echelon. [98][n 44]. [101][103] The problems already existing due to the lack of unity of command were exacerbated by the assignment of GHQ Air Force to Army GHQ. General Drum also chaired the 1933 Drum Board, created specifically to oppose (and revise) plans and appropriation requests submitted by Chief of Air Corps Foulois that were not to the General Staff's liking. [54], Among the recommendations of the Baker Board, established in the wake of the Air Mail scandal, was that the proposals of the Drum Board be adopted: an increase in strength to 2,320 aircraft and establishment of GHQ Air Force as a permanent peacetime tactical organization, both to ameliorate the pressures for a separate air force and to exploit emerging capabilities in airpower. [96] Two-thirds of all Air Corps officers were second lieutenants whose flying experience consisted of their flight training. [72] However, the press of the enormous tasks confronting the Air Corps and the primacy of strategic bombing doctrine meant that development of a long-range capability for these new single-engined fighters was not undertaken until combat losses of bombers forced the issue. Comparisons are made between the different systems used by nations to categorize the hierarchy of an armed force compared to another. The 15 general officer billets consisted of four major generals, and eleven brigadier generals. Procurement of aircraft remained a significant problem for the Air Corps until the eve of war, because of diversion of production to the Allies. The Air Force was founded in 1947, just after WWII. The Drum Board derived its figure as the number necessary to maintain 2,072 "serviceable" planes for its worst-case scenario, The Joint Army-Navy Board was the rudimentary precursor of the, Two YB-10s were landed with their landing gear still up, both by experienced aviators, one a major with 100 hours in aircraft with retractable gear. But despite what it perceived as "obstruction" from the War Department, much of which was attributable to a shortage of funds, the Air Corps made great strides during the 1930s. These officers hold presidential commissions and are confirmed at their ranks by the Senate. [25], In March 1928, commenting on the lack of survivability in combat of his unit's Keystone LB-7 and Martin NBS-1 bombers, Lt. Col. Hugh J. Knerr, commander of the 2nd Bombardment Group at Langley Field, Virginia, recommended that the Air Corps adopt two types of all-metal monoplane bombers, a short-range day bomber and a long-range night bomber. Its report, submitted to Chief of Staff Marshall on 1 September 1939, represented an Army-wide perspective. GHQAF renamed Air Force Combat Command and placed with Air Corps under newly established Army Air Forces by revision to Army Regulation 95-5, June 20, 1941. "[45][n 17], At the same time the General Staff ordered studies from all the service branches to develop drafts for the coming field manuals. Foulois, Benjamin D. Glines, Carroll V. (1968). [92][n 42]. [46], The War Department, seeking to stifle procurement of the B-17 while belatedly recognizing that coordinated air-ground support had been long neglected, decided that it would order only two-engined "light" bombers in fiscal years 1939 through 1941. The next notable advancement is to a Noncommissioned Officer. Army General Headquarters was activated (more than five years after the activation of "its" air force) and GHQ AF placed under it, even though Army GHQ had been activated as a training organization. The Air Corps adopted a new color scheme for painting its aircraft in 1927, heretofore painted olive drab. Gen. Henry H. Arnold, March Field, California), (Brig. The Navy NCO equivalent, petty officer, is achieved at the rank of petty officer third class. The Air Corps Act of 2 July 1926 effected no fundamental innovation. J.B. 349. Strategic or long-range bombardment was intended to destroy an enemy's industry and war-making potential, and only an independent service would have a free hand to do so. AFCC and Office of the Chief of the Air Corps abolished in the general reorganization of the army… [63][n 29] The purchase of 67 B-17s (five squadrons) in FY 1940 as an increment of the Woodring program, using carryover funds, was cancelled by Craig. [55] In the absence of a general headquarters (i.e. [35], The Army and Navy, both cognizant of the continuing movement within the Air Corps for independence, cooperated to resist it. AAF Statistical Digest, Table 4 – Military Personnel in Continental U.S. and Overseas, By Type of Personnel. It did not, however, end the dual chain of command difficulties, as air units of Air Force Combat Command still reported to Army GHQ as well as Headquarters AAF. The Army Air Corps (AAC) is the combat aviation arm of the British Army. © 2020 FederalPay.org. It was supported by both Andrews and Westover. [n 6] Between 1927 and 1934, the Curtiss O-1 Falcon was the most numerous of the 19 different types and series of observation craft and its A-3 variant the most numerous of the attack planes that fulfilled the observation/close support role designated by the General Staff as the primary mission of the Air Corps.[20]. After completing basic training, the enlisted recuits advances to Private First Class. ENLISTED MEMBERS. Pilot training was conducted between 1927 and 1937 in the Consolidated PT-3 trainer, followed by the Stearman PT-13 and variants after 1937. Using attaché reports from both Spain and Ethiopia, and endorsed by a senior Air Corps instructor, Col. Byron Q. Jones,[n 16] the course declared that the Flying Fortress concept had "died in Spain", and that airpower was useful mainly as "long range artillery." Lieutenant-General. Created during World War I by executive order, it gained permanent legislative authority in 1920 as a combatant arm of the line of the United States Army. Rogers continued to severely criticize Foulois through the summer of 1935, threatening future Air Corps appropriations, and despite public support by Dern for the embattled chief, the administration was close to firing Foulois for his perceived attitude as a radical airman and his public criticisms of the administration during the controversy. Gen. Hugh Drum that proposed 52 squadrons. In addition, the commanding general of GHQAF was promoted to lieutenant general. [22], The most serious fallout from the Air Mail fiasco was the retirement under fire of Major General Benjamin Foulois as Chief of Air Corps. The Air Corps Board, a function of the ACTS, submitted a draft in September 1938 that included descriptions of independent air operations, strategic air attacks, and air action against naval forces, all of which the General Staff rejected in March 1939. General of the Army. Gen. James E. Fechet continued as his first assistant chief. [31][32] The B-10 proved to be so superior that as its 14 operational test models were delivered in 1934 they were fed into the Air Corps mail operation, and despite some glitches caused by pilot unfamiliarity with the innovations,[n 11] were a bright spot. Enlisted personnel may become non-commissioned officers, giving them … The Woodring Plan (based on the "Balanced Air Corps Program" developed after a two-year War Department study) was another "five-year plan" that called for adding 1,094 aircraft: 144 four-engine bombers, 266 two-engine bombers, 259 attack aircraft, and 425 pursuits, to begin in FY 1940 (July 1939). [95], The first delivery of B-17Es took place in November 1941. The matter resulted in an impasse between committee chairman William N. Rogers and Secretary of War George Dern before being sent to the Army's Inspector General, who ruled largely in favor of Foulois. Two additional brigadier generals would serve as assistant chiefs of the Air Corps. The General Staff viewed the "five-year plan" as an opponent of the Army in general and fought it bitterly, citing it as a destructive force at every opportunity. Chief of Staff Craig, long an impediment to Air Corps ambitions but nearing retirement, came around to the Air Corps viewpoint after Roosevelt's views became public. As early as 5 May 1919, in a memo to Director of Air Service Charles Menoher for whom he was assistant executive officer, Westover had demonstrated a loyalty to subordination, urging the relief of Billy Mitchell from his position as Third Assistant Executive (S-3) of the Air Service—along with his division heads—if their advocacy of positions not conforming to Army policy did not cease. There followed a six-year struggle between adherents of airpower and the supporters of the traditional military services about the value of an independent Air Force, intensified by struggles for funds caused by skimpy budgets, as much an impetus for independence as any other factor. 2ND LT. SECOND LIEUTENANT. Rear-Admiral. [53][n 23] The Drum Board of 1933 had first endorsed the concept, but as a means of reintegrating the Air Corps into control by the General Staff, in effect reining it in. Army Pay; Marine Corps Pay; Navy Pay; Air Force Pay; Coast Guard Pay; … [11][n 3] Previous provisions of the National Defense Act of 1920 that all flying units be commanded only by rated personnel and that flight pay be awarded were continued. This dual status and division of authority hampered the development of Air Corps for the next six years, as it had the Air Service during World War I, and was not overcome until the necessity of expanding the force occurred with the onset of World War II. This doctrine resulted because of several factors. [42] TR 440-15 remained the doctrinal position of the Air Corps until it was superseded by the first Air Corps Field Manual, FM 1–5 Employment of Aviation of the Army, on 15 April 1940. The painting of fuselages olive drab was changed to blue in the early 1930s, and this motif continued until late 1937, when all new aircraft (now all-metal) were left unpainted except for national markings. The General Staff perceived its creation as a means of lessening Air Corps autonomy, not increasing it, however, and GHQ Air Force was a "coordinate component" equal to the Air Corps, not subject to its control. Nine of its instructors became known throughout the Air Corps as the "Bomber Mafia", eight of whom (including George) went on to be generals during World War II. Arnold, at the direction of President Roosevelt in January 1939, oversaw an expansion of the Air Corps that doubled it in size from 15 to 30 groups by the end of 1940. The highest rank attainable in the Air Force is the five-star General of the Air Force. US Army Air Force: US Army Air Corps Pre-war Insignia "Pinwheel" CBI China Burma India Theater: AAF AFC Army Air Force Air Ferrying Command CBI: AAF ASC Army Air Force Air Service Command, CBI: AAF ASC Army Air Force Air Service Command: AAF ATC Army Air Force Air … Patrick became Chief of the Air Corps and Brig. 7 p. 4). Public Law 18, 76th Congress, 1st Session. Gen. Shiner, "The Heyday of the GHQ Air Force, 1935–1939", p. 136, 120, for the GHQAF figure. Most of the badges were available in the standard 3" size for use on the … The services together issued a revised Joint Action statement in November reasserting that the mission of the Air Corps in coastal defense was only for supporting the Navy if called upon to do so, while simultaneously authorizing for the Navy the long-range shore-based coastal patrol mission denied the Air Corps. Military-Ranks.org Serving America's Military Chart of all United States Military medals and decorations, listed in order of precedence, for the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard. [65][n 30] Possibly under pressure from the Navy, Craig placed a limit of 100 nautical miles (190 km) on all future off-shore flights by the Army. [3], The U.S. Army Air Service had a brief but turbulent history. Gen. On 17 July 1926, two lieutenant colonels were promoted to brigadier general for four-year terms as assistant chiefs of Air Corps: Frank P. Lahm, to command the new Air Corps Training Center, and William E. Gillmore, in command of the Materiel Division. [67] The DC-2 so exceeded Air Corps specifications that 17 were purchased under the designation C-33 to equip the first permanent transport unit, the 10th Transport Group,[n 31] activated in June 1937 at Patterson Field in Ohio. As units of the Air Corps increased in number, so did higher command echelons. Correll, John T. (September 2008). The Air Service had a brief but turbulent history. 2021 Military Pay Scale Army Ranks Navy Ranks Air Force Ranks Alphabet Code DoD Dictionary The "Military Factory" name and MilitaryFactory.com logo are registered ® U.S. trademarks protected by all … These divisions were specifically four infantry and three horse cavalry. The R&D restriction was rescinded in October 1938 following the Munich Conference, although the ban on buying more B-17s in FY 1940 and 1941 remained. 1ST SGT. The formulation of theories of strategic bombing gave new impetus to the argument for an independent air force. The official lineage of today's Air Force began Aug. 1, 1907, when the U.S. Army Signal Corps formed an Aeronautical Division. All of these aircraft were obsolete by the time they came into service, and the outbreak of war in Europe spurred development of more capable types. Andrews. German invasion of France and the Low Countries, Division of Military Aeronautics/Bureau of Aircraft Production dual-authority, List of military aircraft of the United States, Message of President Roosevelt to the Congress, 12 January 1939, Tables 1–73, Combat Groups, Personnel, Training, and Crews, United States Army Center of Military History, "Development of AAF Base Facilities in the United States 1939–1945", "Organization of Military Aeronautics, 1907–1935 (Congressional and War Department Action)", "Organization of the Army Air Arm, 1935–1945", Texas Military Veteran Video Oral Histories – Newton Gresham Library, Sam Houston State University, House Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces, House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=United_States_Army_Air_Corps&oldid=992387489, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Articles with dead external links from July 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, "The Naval Air Force will be based on the fleet and move with it as an important element in solving the primary missions confronting the fleet. Its view was conservative and "a considerable attenuation of air doctrine" as espoused by the ACTS. The Bombardment Section, under the direction of its chief, Major Harold L. George, became influential in the development of doctrine and its dissemination throughout the Air Corps. These were the 11th, 22nd, 25th and 29th Bomb Groups; 27th, 31st, 35th, 36th, and 37th Pursuit Groups; and the 28th Composite Group. Its successor, the. The U.S. Air Force was part of the Army during World War II, and was also called the Army Air Forces or the Air Corps. The base commander of Selfridge Field was responsible for various aspects of administration to the CG of GHQAF, the Chief of the Air Corps, the commander of the Sixth Corps Area, and the Chief of the Air Materiel Division. Because of a lack of legally specified duties and responsibilities, the new position of Assistant Secretary of War for Air, held by F. Trubee Davison from July 1926 to March 1933, proved of little help in promoting autonomy for the air arm. Corps and Division Operations. The cost of the aircraft disturbed Secretary of War Harry Woodring, who denied requests for further purchases, so that although the air arm embraced strategic bombing as its primary doctrine after the creation of GHQ Air Force, by 1938 there were still only thirteen strategic bombers on hand. "[11], The position of the air arm within the Department of War remained essentially the same as before, that is, the flying units were under the operational control of the various ground forces corps area commands and not the Air Corps, which remained responsible for procurement and maintenance of aircraft, supply, and training. However it did correct the omissions of TR 440-15 and reasserted that centralized control by an airman in any combat role was essential for efficiency. The three documents referenced, AR 95-5, EO 9082, and WD Circular 59, are reproduced in their entirety. peacetime), GHQ Air Force would report to the General Staff. The successful development of the B-10 and subsequent orders for more than 150 (including its B-12 variant) continued the hegemony of the bomber within the Air Corps that resulted in a feasibility study for a 35-ton 4-engined bomber (the Boeing XB-15). The funds, already appropriated, were then used to buy more light bombers. "[39] The General Staff characterized its latest revision as a "compromise" with airpower advocates, to mitigate public criticism of the Joint Action Statement, but the newest revision parroted the anti-autonomy conclusions of the Drum and Baker Boards, and reasserted its long-held position (and that of the Secretary Dern)[40][n 14] that auxiliary support of the ground forces was the primary mission of the Air Corps. Four ground force field army headquarters were established at the same time. 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