Each of these needs to be about 30cms (12”) in length. By this time, they were screaming it out and back slapping each other in excitement. You'll Need:• Teams will need to use a phone to communicate with you during this exercise.• Break out space for each team to prepare their questions without being overheard.• 4 plain envelopes to place the team briefs into.• A copy of the Trainer Record Sheet for you. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module. Notes:This can be a challenging session to run so it’s important that you feel confident in your knowledge and have lots of information to add if the group clams up. Following this activity, I used ‘Yes but, No but!’ and that seemed to flow really well. Each name got called out. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 90 minutes for this module. I asked them to say these words out loud and asked them how it made them feel and most said it felt good. Moving into the section on dealing with emotions, we found that although many seem like common sense, we dont often delpoy them. Useful For:New trainers or those looking to build their skills and review challenges they might face or have faced. Aims:• To help participants consider the extent to which they engage in change.• To help those involved in change consider how they could make the change journey easier for themselves, and others.• To help those involved in a change plan. It tends not to work well with very small groups. We had spoken a lot about different working styles and behaviours, so I used this to look at similiarities the team members had that they weren't aware of. Preschool worksheets PDF to print. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 75 minutes for this module. Aims:• To raise participants’ awareness of how their perceptions of situations influence their emotions and behaviour.• To describe the types of unhelpful thinking we can identify in our perceptions.• To provide an opportunity to identify how to change unhelpful thinking in a situation of the participant’s choosing. Notes:This is the third in the series of 4 modules on Interview Skills. It is designed to help you learn the material. I used this because the managers I was working with were known for the fact that they are incredibly efficient and effective, but at times too goal directed. Topics where the inclusion of a module looking at optimism/pessimism might be beneficial include:• Managing change.• Problem solving and decision making.• Customer service.• Selling skills.• Leading a team.• Strategic leadership.• Communication skills.• Planning and scheduling. Group Size:This module is suitable for use with groups of up to about 20 participants. Select postcards with a variety of images: Countryside, coastal, historic buildings, modes of transport, animals etc. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 30 minutes to complete the module. One participant said – “I have a sound reason for my choice” before she went on to explain why she chose the auditory based story – without even realising what she had said. Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library. You'll Need:• A stopwatch or timer would be beneficial. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 15 minutes for completion. These kinds of encouraging, positive, interactive growth activities can be very helpful. English Lessons for Kids - Videos, Printables, Games, Online Tests Teach kids with an engaging blended English program. Aims:• To enable participants to be able to define mentoring and its purpose.• To explain the key differences between coaching and mentoring.• To identify the benefits of effective mentoring to organisations, mentors and protégés. Aims:• To encourage participants to consider the art of feedback and to ensure their feedback is appropriate and objective.• To enable participants to identify useful, helpful, constructive feedback.• To clarify what makes useful, constructive feedback.• To develop participants ability to give constructive feedback.• To consider how it feels to be on the receiving end of destructive or unhelpful feedback. Fill the gap with one of the following personality adjectives. Finally, understanding personality type helps a leader identify gaps or areas of imbalance and set a course to correct those areas through employee development or in the hiring process. Aims:• To describe the change curve.• To consider strategies for working through the change curve journey. This can be used as an exercise in creativity and learning to see the world in new and different ways. motivation exercises. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 50 minutes for this module. Aims:• To understand why it’s important not to trivialise what causes us, or others stress.• To help participants to recognise and explain the importance of letting go. Although the trainer notes say it is aimed at managers, I would say more junior members of staff would get value from it too (& possibly more so), The Change Journey - What to Do When Change Really Hurts. As with all of the exercises, the discussion questions at the end prompted much useful additional material to the whole session. of personality type, gender and game preferences. It is important to have an understanding of emotional intelligence and the effects of discussing it with a group of participants. I thought the feeling cards would provide them an opportunity to share their own feelings at home and at work. PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT GAMES Personality development games are a means to practise the subject-matter of a personality development training in an intensive and realistic manner. It is also great for children to unwind every day from the stress of academics and remain cheerful. Group Size:This module is suitable for use with larger groups of almost any size. They really thought about the cards they In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion. Every human being has the urge to improve him or herself, and to become a better person. Handout 1 is intended for the trainer’s use only and explains how to tie the knot. We then used orange stars with the word “beyond” and it was true that they all managed to get them higher than the first. When reading out the suggested alternatives statements, I asked the participants to say it to me as if I was the person getting that feedback in real life. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 40 minutes to complete this module. Aims:• To provide good practice advice in completing applications for employment. Double check the height of the delegates when they arrive because I did have one person who was 6ft 2. The exercise proved to have just the right balance of fun, opportunity for self-reflection and a forum for feedback. It is designed to look at the role of the manager and explore suitable approaches for managing individual team members. You'll Need:For this exercise you will need a good quantity of greeting card making materials. Personality Development Activities for Students: Personality development is the development from the organized pattern of attitude and believing which makes an individual distinctive. Group Size:This module can be used with groups of up to 20 participants, but a maximum of 10 participants is recommended. Notes:This module is a useful icebreaker for any networking event. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 40-50 minutes for this module. Personalities and appearance We offer carefully designed phonics worksheets, games, videos and flash cards you will find on our site. The Experience of Change - What Does It Feel Like? Aims:• Explore how a positive mindset impacts on motivation and performance.• To create a positive state for the day ahead. The exercise produced some unexpected results but most were relevant to the majority of delegates. Useful For:Staff at all levels especially those returning to work after a career break or job seekers. )For each Team 2:• A copy of the same six photographs provided to Team 1.• A syndicate room, or other space to work in away from Team 1. Notes:The video used in this exercise can also be used for customer services training using our module Why Do I Always Get Them?. You'll Need:• Nothing other than the materials provided, however, we recommend that you laminate the Quote Cards if you anticipate using this exercise frequently. Aims:• To provide an opportunity to explore a variety of situations experienced during the working day and consider how best to handle each one assertively. My areas of problems are to do with conflict and being bullied into things, then doing it resentfully. If your organisation doesn’t have a clear set of values or principles, you could use an exercise like ‘Feelings Cards’ to generate discussion around people’s values and to identify some possible organisational values for the future. Aims:• To help job applicants prepare for an interview. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 90 minutes for this module. Aims:• To help participants understand the ability for fear to debilitate.• To explore what happens if we continue to avoid new situations that scare us.• To explore the principle of Comfort Zone, Learning Zone and Panic Zone, and the function of each. Useful For:All staff, including managers. Apart from the article that you need for the session, you may also find it useful to read those by Damian Hughes and Martin Haworth, also available in the Articles section of Trainers’ Library. Aims:• To build awareness of basic networking skills.• To provide a model that will help participants get the most from their networking opportunities.• To provide an opportunity for participants to practise their networking skills. They all were pleasantly surprised by the scores that came back from their teams when they sent them out. In this post, you'll find listening,writing, speaking activities and games to help students master this vocabulary. You'll Need:• Lengths of rope. Abby, Beyond Amazingly Analytical), and it provided a perfect closer on how amazing and unique they each are, and how, through awareness and effort, they can stretch beyond where they are now. You'll Need:• Blank sheets of A4 paper.• Pens/pencils with which to draw. A vocabulary reference/sorting sheet that covers basic personality traits (It has the vocabulary in the two sheets above plus a few extra terms). We’ve provided two alternative briefs for Exercise 1, one for more senior, experienced groups and one for less experienced candidates. This personality system focuses on improving team-work and increasing productivity within a company.. Time:The exercise in this module can be completed in about 50 minutes. Thanks for the exercise, I have since used it to end 5 other team building days. Then to share the information with their manager and from that create an action plan for future development. Follow us! Aims:• To introduce trainers to the theory of representational systems contained within much NLP training.• To explain the theory and build awareness of it.• To encourage reasoned debate about its validity in training.