That's my take on it anyway. When I'm trying to design something which is not analogous to a physical object, I have a hard time breaking it apart. The thing that makes it so amazingly nerdy is that I actually got really really turned on by it, and would jerk off to it. Part of my problem is that so many books teach by analogy. The problem is, I can't. I think that this is fantastic advice for any walk of life. Virtual things. You will be in front of the computer all the time: Good news for all those people who love being in front of the computer. Ever. 3. How did you learn…Did you google or buy a book or sign up for a course online ? “Being a programmer basically means you’ll be an eternal student,” as Lydia Hallie told me. In a classic Reddit AMA (that's Ask Me Anything, for the uninitiated), a fan wanted to know what techniques Musk used to learn so much so incredibly fast. But less abstractly: you've gotta pick a project and just go for it. And that holds true for a career in programming as well.. My first experiments with programming were simple goals, like "I want to write a program to concatenate two wav files", or "I want to hook up Megahal to AIM". By using seoforum’s services you agree to our Cookies Use and Data Transfer outside the EU. I learnt by reading books and using websites to help me learn. You will hate it, it will suck having someone seem like they are just ripping your code apart, but it will make you so much better so much faster than just relying on your own internal knowledge. This is the longest and most informational comment ever on reddit. However, when you make a mistake, to learn from it, a couple more things have to happen: You have to recognize that it's a mistake. This answer works surprisingly well for anything you want to learn to do. It’s also quite an addictive process – the more you learn, the more you’ll want to learn. Maybe a blog engine. Rather than get set into bad programming habits, learn from other people's mistakes, then practise the good ways of doing things. CodeHub is the best platform if you are dedicated to learning to code quickly and efficiently. How long did it take you to get to a level where you could code with confidence? trying to contribute to an existing open-source project) is often helpful for both of these. If you were to ask five developers what the best way to learn programming is, you’d probably get five very different answers. You'll learn to code by completing coding challenges and building projects. Maybe a game for the TI-83. Did you finish…i.e. I was paid poorly because I was a student, but being around people who know more than you really shows you where your standards should be... Again, just actively doing it, but with a little guidance. I spent hours optimizing my game of snake just cause I was bored, but I did learn how to make fast code. Do you feel like your skill is inferior because you are self taught? At some point you will question whether you are cut out for it or not. My problem for so long is WHERE do i learn to code?? Don't ever. Forums. Elon Musk sold his first program for $500. Once you start learning to code, you're going to run into problems that you don't know how to solve. How long did it take you to complete ? It was all text, branching out. So what did you do? There's no secret. If you want to learn how to code, taking your first steps into this huge universe might seem like a daunting, if not intimidating task. Find ways to do it better. But if you want something that will be easier to work with going forward, just "do it" may not be enough. What you really want is to try to do it well. learn programming - reddit Online Hello, hope this is a valid question to ask here I'm starting work in a week and will need to work with C++ a good amount. Being a skilled coder can build confidence. In the learn to code community, you’ll often hear one simple mantra: anyone can learn how to code. I started learning to code 45 years ago, and I still hope to become really good at it. (See also: snowflake.) As someone studying to be a programmer who considers himself at least decent, I agree with this 100%. This is another thing newer devs have a tendency to do, thinking that their tool chain is the only way to do it. Think about it critically and really strive to find the best way you can possibly imagine or look up. Menu. So is reading a lot. What made you choose to code this language and motivated you. If you want to learn all that it takes to build modern web applications at scale, getting professional web development experience at a fast-growing startup like Yipit is a great next step. You'll also earn verified certifications along the way. I'm learning to becoe a barber at the moment, and everything you've just said applies perfectly. Programming isn’t for everyone in that you shouldn’t necessarily learn to code or pursue a career as a developer if you’re not passionate about it. Maybe that's not your goal, maybe you just want a one-time thing that never has to be looked at again... and that's fine if that's what you want. That said, you won't always be able to move forward without some help. Erotic 'choose your own adventure games' for the Ti-82. Stay with a technology for a while or you only learn things that are on the surface. I am interpreting this question as "How are you learning to code?" Too late, it became apparent that there was more theory in the curriculum than I was really interested in. You don't really learn unless you struggle through it. Thanks in advance. For that reason I barely developed it at all. Don't be afraid to ask for help or to make bugs, you need it and you will. #10) Reach out to other coders. Step 1: Think about what you've just done. Remember that programming is a tool, not the end goal in and of itself. Plan your build. Tooling is so far down the list of what makes a good programmer. If you left click it'll be in the drop down menu. That's the main thing. do it pretty much sums it up. correctly, which is really rare. I'll throw in the myriad of abbreviations and acronyms. Embrace the struggle -- if you aren't failing, you aren't learning. You will need to learn how to code in at least one language before you can make your own game, especially if you want to be able to customize the way it looks and works. Can freeCodeCamp help me get a job as a software developer? It's all well and good that you should think of an object, say a car, and the methods and data that would go into it. Once I graduated, I got a full-time job at a small software shop. If you have a CS degree, you've probably already read quite a bit. Pick an open source project that you use and that has a pleasant culture. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It’s also quite an addictive process – the more you learn, the more you’ll want to learn. XNA 4.0, MonoGame, Unity, Unreal from there. Showing your code to other people (e.g. Share Tweet Share Reddit Email. Making a small button which gave me a pop-up message when clicked? So how do you find that help? But is it a good program? I have to look up pretty basic stuff all the time, it's just that it takes me like twelve seconds to look it up and digest it. It's so simple with this 1-step program! Come on now, most programmers are codemonkeys and still pull a decent salary without doing anything you mention. I've claimed to do nerdy things before, but this has to be the pinnacle. Help aspiring developers by sharing your experience. Connect to the internet 3. How did you learn to code? just following tutorials and walk-throughs). First off, forget books. Every single time I lookup how do to a DateAdd in SQL Server, I think of this. trying to contribute to an existing open-source project) is often helpful for both of these. I started playing with Linux in my spare time and had summer jobs writing perl/shell scripts when I was in my mid-teens. Don't just look at their code, work with projects on them. On the other hand, a script that runs a scheduled backup followed by a shutdown would require knowledge I haven’t year learned. Top Yes we all love to learn new stuff in tech Yeah I agree its cool.But binging online courses like Netflix series is not the way to do it.It is not going to be beneficial for you. Every aspect of freeCodeCamp is 100% free. But reading a lot of CS won't make you a good programmer, any more than reading Runner's World will make you an athlete. The Fetid, Right-Wing Origins of “Learn to Code” How an online swarm has developed a sophisticated mechanism to harass and gaslight journalists—and to get mainstream media outlets to join in. Yes. It's going to suck for awhile. Here comes lots of random pieces of advice... Be prepared, becoming a good programmer (there are lots of shitty programmers, not so many good ones) takes lots of pain, frustration, and failure. I know the research and reading and abstract things aren't the most important part of the process, but I don't think they should be ignored completely - there are valuable things that they can teach you. 2: Basic front-end. Okay More information Leave. But it can also be a way to pick up some pretty bad programming habits. And perhaps it’s a matter of expectation. Does anyone have any tips on keeping confident and optimistic during the rocky starts? And it’s the same thing with coding: If you learn to code, you can code to learn,” he says. You also must get used to the idea that at any moment you might need to learn a new framework or language, and that you will have to fight for a job if you don’t have formalized credentials. Don't keep your mouth closed, but as a newer dev if you are talking noise instead of asking questions there is no way I will think you are ready to have the Jr./Associate/Whatever removed from your title. Ideas listed in websites like ‘build a calculator’ or ‘make a game’ just aren’t that interesting to me. Well lets see if you can pass this simple test. . What would you have liked to know while you were still in your infancy of programming that you know now? Yes, it’s difficult to learn programming, not because of who you are, but because there are a lot of topics to learn. And as you mentioned in one of your below replies, unfortunately the amount of passion it takes to achieve this is hard to find. You become a chef by learning about different ingredients, learning about different cooking techniques, learning about different styles of cuisine, and (this is the important part), learning how to put together ingredients, techniques, and cuisines in ways that no one has ever showed you about before. The last thing that helped me overcome my imposter syndrome was trying to help others learn to code. Actually, it applies to pretty much anything you'll ever do in life. That's what got me into programming. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" I'm guessing it wasn't easy, right? If you plan exists only in your head you are doing it wrong. I can string together a program, but the design is pretty terrible. If you’re just getting started, though, I’d recommend checking out VS Code, which you can download from their website. The objective is to reveal the features offered by each of the 20 free code learning resources to encourage you … This article explores Elon Musk's education and how his interest in games led him to learn to program. Then it started to change. More importantly, and totally ignoring the vocabulary point, you used i.e. I wrote an essay called "My Evolution as a Programmer" (which I'm getting tired of linking on Reddit, but you can find it) that illustrates this in embarrassing and painful detail. If you learn how to code, you will be able to do all of this and more in a fun, engaging way! Turn on a computer 2. Don't fall into the trap of comparing yourself today to yourself yesterday. Then he showed me how use "PAUSE" to hold the program until the user hits enter, then to use "CLR HOME" to clear the screen before printing out more text. Stop worrying about whether you're doing it right or you're going to fuck up, and just go fuck it up. That’s true in the short term and the long term. Finally, what is your favorite language? When you start to be able to put the pieces together, stay humble. It has to be something you want to do, even if it's just out of curiosity. By all means, like I said, practise is the most important thing you can do, but not the only thing. You can easily write a program that has, for example, tons of nested loops, that does what it's supposed to. … Nobody gives a shit how good a carpenter is at using some specialized saw, they care about what the carpenter can build with that specialized saw. Can you: 1. Worked with some brilliant people, was assigned very challenging tasks, and just did them to the best of my abilities... For up to 14 hours a day, for 52 weeks a year. Home. I hit university, and I was on and off interested... My grades were mediocre because I didn't care; Probably less than 1/3 of the content was useful to me. First rule, accept that the following scenario is going to happen: you’re introduced to a new topic that makes absolutely no sense to you. "Learn to Code" is an expression used to troll journalists who were laid off from their jobs, encouraging them to learn software development as an alternate career path. Did you face any problems. I call it all Linux. Don't be afraid to ask, most of us really really enjoy this (if it makes you feel any better about the "inconvenience", it will take a mid-level waaaaay less time to review your code that it took for you to write it, and a senior dev even less time than that). I learned how to solder, read and write circuit schematics and build small projects. One-hour tutorials are available in 45+ languages for all ages. Remember that in 2019 being a programmer is just as much (maybe even moreso) about picking up new things on the fly as it is about your crystalized knowledge. Build, build, build, build, build. This is normal and part of the process. I've read through some books to get a feel for what would work for me, but I'm having problems finding anything good. Once you learned programming language.You are no longer a newbie.You can and you should start building something immediately.Maybe a simple application to calculate something.Or just use your … What languages do you know? Different words mean different things to different people in different organizations. At least while you are learning, you should always be working on a project. can you code now and have enough skills to build on your own ? A word on projects. Over the years, new languages and frameworks always emerge, and old ones evolve. Programming is the basis of video game development, and learning how to make a game from scratch involves learning how to code. In this article, we take a closer look at the 20 amazing resources to learn to code for free all you will need is access to an internet connection and a good laptop. Immediate, measurable, results. Hey guys, I am bored and really feel like coding some shit. If what you call GNU/Linux somebody else just calls Linux, let it go man! I forgot that before you were even in school, kid. How did self-taught programmer Elon Musk transform himself into a billionaire? offers you access to a wide range of tutorials in the form of how-to guides (code learning tutorials lasting for one hour), videos and so on.In fact, it also offers you access to different tutorials and applications, as offered by their partners, for learning about the development of games for grades K-8, JavaScript programming and similar other programming languages.It also conducts several instructor-led (or teacher-led) lessons for easy and quick learning. You will hate it, it will suck having someone seem like they are just ripping your code apart, but it will make you so much better so much faster than just relying on your own internal knowledge. And then I think of how many ways I know how to comment a line, depending on the environment. An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a very narrow field - Niels Bohr. In the learn to code community, you’ll often hear one simple mantra: anyone can learn how to code. And some of the tweets were death threats. Every small thing I did, every tutorial I did, ended with visible results. fyi, this applies outside of programming. At least while you are learning, you should always be working on a project. How I Learned to Code. Is freeCodeCamp really free? Have experienced programmers review your code. Write that shit down! You understand what they mean, and if you don't it's your job to figure out what they mean, not tell them the right way to say it. It was in the manual, but I didn't understand it. This will make it seem like you haven't learned anything and aren't on the move. Cookies help us deliver our Services. A senior dev using Notepad++, a terminal window, and a compiler from 1977 is probably better than you are with the newest shiniest IDE. If yes, can you list some. Coding will give you valuable skills. I had jobs throughout, but it wasn't until I hit the summer after 3rd year where I started to get jobs that were really interesting. Absolutely no training up to that point - just doing it. Unlike a lot of items on a position’s person specification, like a university degree, pretty much anyone can learn to code. Well said. It'll open up a box that'll show you all of the code for the displayed page. The amount of time it takes to develop a solid base in coding depends on which language you are learning and the amount of time you put into learning and practicing code. Just fucking do it. I've been programming since I was about 12 years old - my dad bought me a compiler for my birthday (Metrowerks on a Motorola 68030-based Mac). When you talk to accomplished programmers, it's no shock to hear they began programming at a very young age. “When you learn to read, you can then read to learn. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. What's new. Agree. Yes. Eventually I got it figure out though. If you have a few minutes, head on over and contribute your story — it just might help inspire the next great coder. Just kept doing it, and then did it some more, for 9-10 hours a day, 50 weeks a year. In this guide, I will introduce you to the main principles of video game development. But I knew it was possible to make programs with menus, that would branch you off one way or another. For any suggestion or technique you see, ask yourself "can I think of an even better way to do this?" Then do it. Ex-Google tech lead Patrick Shyu explains how to learn to code quickly and easily, with this one weird trick! Blog. And I refuse to say "guh-new", as well. by Taylor Soper on January 3, 2014 at 10:57 am January 3, 2014 at 10:57 am. Thank you so much. What language did you learn first or if only one. Getting chopped down on a constructive way by a senior who works on this program for years made me humble and I'm learning fast. I'm thinking about starting over. But analogies never map perfectly. You don't just throw some half-asked solution together, you read up on good techniques, maybe study some other people's code (open-source projects might be of interest to you), figure out what it is you want your source to look like. If you run Chrome as your browser check out "inspect element". New posts Search forums. I really have no clue where to go to learn. I don't feel like I really learned anything useful to programming in my coursework. Also, do large projects. Don't worry about how big the project is, small is fine. I’m learning python/Jacescript this year, projects are a wall I hit after learning the basics of the language. Learning how to code for beginners will provide you with enough skills and experience to pursue a career as a coder or programmer. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Definitely recommend to people alternatives to check out. To start, it was very challenging work. We and our partners operate globally and use cookies, including for analytics, personalisation, ads and Newsletters. Everything is open book all the time. Not sure why it was so hard for me to figure that out. TBH, you'll find that theory will be the sauce that makes you better than the rest. do it with other people that are much much much better then you. The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students. This is a VERY important part of the process that newer devs/programmers like to skip. It's pretty cool. Knowing that any problem which could stump most people is easily solved by you is empowering. One guy will confidently say you have to start building real applications. Saving this for later. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies.