But the Staff Managers give an indirect contribution by providing advice and expertise on it. Here the chief executive leads the organisation. ... Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division Solution to the conflict between line officers and staff officers o Both line officers and staff officers should clearly understand the nature of relationship prevailing between them. ADVERTISEMENTS: In the interest of the efficiency and economy, it was considered desirable that the departmental organization should be broken into two new directions. Thanks for the A2A. Line workers are on the front line of a business, handling the core corporate functions while staff workers play a support role and handle the behind-the-scenes work. Staff refers to those elements of the organization that help the line to work most effectively in accomplishing the primary objectives of an enterprise. Police Organization. These new directions were ‘staff agencies’ and auxillary agencies’ as distinct from ‘line agencies’. Explore the difference between line and staff employees, and test your understanding with a brief quiz. ... under the organization, authority flows from the person at the top to the person at the lowest of the organisation. L.D. Following are the prominent ones-1. This is a police station. Line employees (Managers) directly contribute towards the organizational goals. But the way they achieve this is what differentiates these two from each other. In a line organization the top management has complete control and the chain of command is very clear. The aim of both the staff function and the line function is to ensure that the organization meets its business objectives. 2. White and many other theoreticians of public admin­istration have suggested that for the proper management of an organisation clear- cut policy formulation is to be ensured and the chief executive along with other important members of the line agency formulate policy and take decision. Line and staff organization 1. I don't know the book you're referring to, so I'm just going to give you an answer from experience. A significant amount of difference exists in the line and staff positions. 6. These divisions don't exist in every organization, but are mainly in large organizations. Tweet Tabulated below comparison between Line, Functional And Line And Staff Organization: For Line organization Line managers are generalists. Line agencies, whether in public administration, the military or various businesses, are those departments within an organization which focus on the primary function and work of the organization, whose staff agencies are those departments which provide support to the line agencies. (1) The most important function of the line agency is policy-making and decision-formulating. The difference between line and staff relationships is the chain of command. The line of authority is vertical as it follows the principle of scalar chain There is strict discipline It is not based upon planned specialization There is unity of command It is suitable for small scale […] Staff Agencies: The term “staff agency” has been borrowed from military terminology and is commonly used in […] ... What is the main difference between Organizational Chart and Office manual ? LINE AND STAFF Line functions are those which have direct responsibility for accomplishing the objectives of the enterprise. Main Differences between Line Organisation and Staff organisation in Office Management.